And a little message to those of you sending in tips: we are getting a lot of e-mails lately, so please be patient, maybe one day we’ll use your suggestion. And do not get angry if your tip is not placed on the site. (Start your own site instead! 😉
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Whats with the Japanese masterbating club? I guess I just don’t get the Culture.. But I will keep trying becasuse the women are just too fine.
AISH, that country continues to baffle me in its strange ways!
I want this to be real, even though it’s not. Of course none of the Morning Musume girls have posed nude.
I’m glad I got to see it before Daily Motion pulled the plug.
Lol, Optimus, are you sure? None of them? I mean there have been sooooo many over the years so I wouldnt be shocked if one or two have.
I wonder why it got deleted… It only showed boobs. Since when are boobs ‘wrong’?! 😉
when showing boobs is wrong, then i dont want to be right 🙂
Well put, LB. Very eloquent.
Boobs…they do my body good.
BF…i think it was from a song in the 70’s 🙂