Allison Pheleita


Allison is a fashion model from California. She is half Chinese and half Caucasian which I wouldn’t have figured out unless she mentioned it in her profile. But I love her look and her long, dark hair. Plus she has plenty of photos that you can check out as well.Stats:
Age: 23
Height: 5’6”
Weight: 115lbs
Measurements: 32-25-35
Location: Chico, California












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0 thoughts on “Allison Pheleita”

  1. Classy woman Candyman! And only 23?
    She has very sultry looks that I like.
    I see from her (large) portfolio she doesn’t do nudes (and she says “don’t ask!”). What a shame! She looks to have a great bod. Nice long legs. So the best we will get is this:

    or this:

    although I don’t like the skin tones here. She looks a bit Barbie-fied or ‘My Polyester Girl'(a Regurgitator song).

  2. Good phrase, longtack: “Barbie-fied”….

    She looks much better without the raccoon eyes…

    That is the thing about the western USA…Asians and Caucasians have mixed for several generations already, so there are more of these hotties than say, the midwest.

  3. Pretty woman, but I think she needs to work on some facial variety. Same kinda look in every shot above, except for maybe the third to last picture.

  4. I have just one question these ladies on istudio are nice but i remember a few years back this site had a lot of asian car show models, is this no longer happening did i just disappear. i was just wondering if any one could answer this question. i know some are now nude, part nude or no longer modeling what happened. i do not see anymore.

  5. @kbck: it’s mostly a reflection of who is writing for us – we used to have a few writers who were really into import models, but they’ve moved on. Personally, I prefer the sorts of models we’re featuring now.

    As for Allson, I really think she’d be totally bland without all the glamourising – indeed, I find her face unpleasantly harsh. I often like mixed girls, but this one isn’t for me.

  6. Sorry Mzungu. I can’t see any resemblance to Alexa Chung. What was it that makes you think this? The raccoon eye shadow? The mix of Caucasian/Asian?
    Alexa has an Asian surname but she doesn’t look Asian to me, not even half Asian. How old is Alexa? She looks to be a good 10-15 yrs older than Allison which does reflect your point perhaps that Allison is much more ‘polished’. And I agree.

    And @ arf, that pic was my 3rd choice. If only she had the more natural skin tones in that pic like many of the pics that Candyman posted here.

  7. Ok I am confused.

    If you go to Alexa Chung’s website (posted by Mzungu, above) and go straight to the gallery, I am sure you will agree with me the woman there looks nothing like the pics in the biography.
    But in the bio, I CAN see the resemblance, right down to her vital statistics. And she is 27, only a few years older. However the woman in the gallery does look 35.
    Many apologies to Mzungu then. Which begs the question: what is up with the website? Who is this other woman?

  8. Longtack,

    The pictures in her gallery aren’t exactly a good representation, which is odd seeing as its her site. Plus, she’s not a model, she’s a TV presenter/DJ/Photographer so probably doesn’t have the amount of work done on her photos as above. But if you’d met her in real life you’d notice the similarities. πŸ™‚

  9. This girl seems to remind everybody of everyone! I guess that’s probably more evidence that she’s actually fairly bland. πŸ™‚

  10. I guess the reason why i mentioned it earlier is that this kinda gave the models a chance at working in movies and advancing their carriers a lil more that is all and i like that

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