It isn’t often that an asian girl gets endowed with such … blessings. Anna Tan is a very fine example of one. There is not a whole lot that can be found online about this Filipina-Chinese beauty, as she was fairly new to the scene before dropping out to break hearts by getting married and having a baby, but she sure is a refreshing break from all the silicone nowadays.

Anna is still very active in her official Myspace page and has a few spreads in Pinays.com. She also appears in the 2006 Women of the East Calendar alongside Christine Mendoza, Tera Patrick, and Charmane Starr. One can only hope that Anna Tan pursues her career in modelling…a natural asian beauty of her proportions is rare enough as it is and truly a sight to behold.
Links for Anna Tan
Women of the East Calendar
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All natural, all asian, and truely a nice person… a rarity in today’s world
Nice post Ogpro! Welcome on the team.
One little thing though, could you resize the photo’s on your computer before you upload them to our server? Bandwith will skyrock if we use large images online, and they also look ‘funny’ when manually resized 😉
(I resized these three just now)
Looking forward to your next post!
gotcha! Thanks for the welcome. =)
Welcome aboard ogpro! All-natural claims are like a red rag to a bull for the Doc, but she does indeed look like the genuine article…
shes married…
hi i don’t know if you are on this calender:
Thai Calender model nude 2006
because it’s free available via this link:
Not all of course, but many Filipina ladies have larger breasts compared to other Asian nationalities. This is due to the mix of Spanish blood that is in many Filipino families.
Welcome OGPRO. Nice to have you onboard!
Very nice…
Thanks guys. It’s great to be on board.
Doc, I’ve actually met Anna, and I can attest to her being natural, hehe.
Northman, yes I’ve noticed that myself, having spent a few years in the Philippines in the late 90’s. There is a growing silicone trend out there tho, it is disconcerting. I’m going to post on some filipina celebs, if it’s ok with you guys. =)
well since typical asian women don’t have large natural boobs , the trend for boobs jobs among them should be welcomed by ALL MEN! AMEN, now we have these exotic looking faces women with very small hips and large breasts , i cannot complain whther or not they are fake …
anyone have her nude photos links ?
She doesn’t do nude.
I told Anna on monday about how you are featuring her here and she wrote:
thanks rob. havent seen those pix b4. finally i saw 3 thanks to u. =)
daym! how come u guys saw these pics before i did!? thanks for posting them ogpro. and thanks rob for letting me know about this site. thanks for all the comments too. good/bad comments are welcome and very much appreciated.
Geeze, so Anna had to see her pics here first!
One pet peeve I have is photographers who won’t give the model copies of the photoshoot pics she has done. I always encourage the models I’ve known to insist on a copy of the shoot photos as a condition of doing the shoot.
In most cases, I don’t think the photographers are intentionally trying to withhold the images from the model. I think they are just being too lazy to take the time to burn a CD and mail it.
Hehe. I do photoshoots part time, and we always burn a CD for the model. Sometimes they’re the ones who don’t want it, but as long as they agree to the copyright issues I don’t see why they can’t get a copy of it.
Hey Anna, congratulations on the baby. =) Will you be continuing your career in the industry?
I’m with hotbytes2000 all the way on this one – let’s celebrate the wonderful technology that allows us to have Asian girls with large breasts, no matter what the were born with!
i prefer prints over cd, and during the shoot i was promised cd as well as some prints. but im over it now. i dont really care. im just glad some people like the pix and appreciate them.
im still waiting on hitting the gym so i can back to shape. im not fully recovered yet says my doctor. hopefully i can go back to modeling… and soon i hope. but for now im juz happy being a mom. im loving it!
“…she sure is a refreshing break from all the silicone nowadays…”
So right you are. Thanks!
What a beautiful woman.
hey ogpro.. howd u get these pix anyway? i used em on my myspace page and for some reason they took it off, saying i cant use copyrighted materials which sucks bcoz not only did i not get copies of these, now i can’t even use them.
It’s possible the folks from Pinays.com complained to MySpace and requested they be taken down. But who knows?
If I were you, I would write to the photographer who did this shoot and:
1) Ask him for permission to use the 3 images you do have.
2) Ask him to send you a CD of all the images from this shoot so you can have your own copy.
Be sure to tell him you will post a link to his website anytime you use them on your MySpace page.
Good luck!
Man, these corporate model sites really rip the girls off.
Anna, I think as long as their watermarks are on the pictures and you use them on a personal site like myspace or friendster (and not a personal pay site) you are not doing anything wrong, unless of course you signed your life away on that model release form. I’ve seen many models use watermarked pictures in their myspace site. Unless you just leeched off their server, I think you’re doing them a favor with free marketing. You’re not making any money off the pictures and frankly, I really don’t think three pictures is going to cut deep into their income. I’ve explored many a website because their watermark was there on the pic to direct me, so it actually helps.
I got these pics because I have a pinays.com membership. I don’t see any reason why they would trip about 3 pictures of you that is helping direct traffic to their site right? I’m actually sure I’ve encouraged a few people to sign up after seeing your 3 teaser pics here. I don’t know if you’ve noticed but your entry has over 2,000 hits. =)
Ogpro……correction……Anna’s feature now has over 3200 hits! 🙂
Anna, that is one of the highest “hit numbers” I’ve ever seen on this site! Congrats to you!
wooops…nice! Guess my eyes were crossed for a minute there… got distracted by Anna’s uhh…message.
thanks u guys. but i dont think i can really do anything bout this situation. i signed the release form so there’s nothing i can do about it. it just sucks for me.
Our readers are certainly making our new bloggers feel welcome – santini47’s first post has even more hits!
In the mean time this article has 3,647 views which means that readers have 3,647 clicked on ‘read more’. The number of people that have seen the intro of this article on the homepage is much more!
Northman, I have to dissapoint you but with this numer of views it is not even close to the top postings. The absolute number one at the moment is one of Tiara Lestar’s postings with 167,128 views after Asian Sirens was mentioned on the Indonesian TV.
Anna, it’s good to see you on Asian Sirens and I’m impressed by your photos. Would be great to see more of you in the future!!!
Marco, thanks for correcting me……wow! I didn’t know about that Tiara’s mention on Indonesian TV. Very cool!
Ogpro, did you get my e-mail about your icon? Please get back to me.
And Anna, nice to have you with us on the site! 🙂
hey! I didnt know you guys featured Anna! She’s my girl! She just had a baby like 2 months ago.. and damn.. her boobs are even bigger now!!! haha
I didn’t know Anna was featured either until Faline said something. I was on vacation when this post was made. I can’t imagine how big her boobs are now. I just wish I could find more stuff of her.