Christine Mendoza

Christine Mendoza

Full blooded Filipina Christine Mendoza is another popular Southern California import model with a huge fan base. I’ve had the pleasure of meeting Christine a number of times and she is as sweet and nice as they come. And yes it’s true, she is known for her large breasts that she loves to show off! But, being a non-nude model, you will never see her fully topless. Short of that though, Christine is a master at finding some very tiny tops to show as much as possible. 🙂

I don’t want to just focus on her breasts though. Christine is a gorgeous young woman with a pretty face and an over-all sexy look. She had a website for a while that seems to have disappeared. For now, you can still keep up to date with Christine on her MySpace page.

Christine Mendoza

Christine Mendoza

Christine Mendoza

Christine Mendoza

Christine Mendoza

Some of you reading this may be wondering why many Filipinos have Spanish sounding last names. Spain (and other countries) occupied the Philippines for many years and the cultures mixed. The various degrees of mixing has produced some beautiful Filipina women with many different looks. Most Filipinos tend to be dark skinned, but you can also find many fair skinned as well. And it’s the same with facial features. Some Filipinos look very Chinese while others have more western blood and thus European features.

Getting back to Christine Mendoza, here are some more links to savor her beauty. By the way, Christine says her boobs are real and that she and her sisters got them from her Mom who is also very well endowed! (See her Import Tuner Interview .) Thank you Mrs. Mendoza!

Christine on MySpace
Christine’s 2001 Import Tuner Interview
Christine on Import Icons
Christine’s ModFX Interview
Christine on TeamGSB
Christine Google Image Search

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21 thoughts on “Christine Mendoza”

  1. Totally agree with you! I spent some time in China and was blown away by the beauty of the women there… until I reached the Philippines! The mix of Latin and Asian in that part of the world has to be seen to be believed…

  2. NorthMan, thanks for a very thorough feature of Christine Mendoza!

    I am sure the good doctor will have his own opinion about whether Ms. Mendoza’s boobs are real. BTW, you write Mrs. Mendoza. Are you implying she is married?

    As you say, there is a wide variety of Filipina women. I can imagine the Spanish names have remained but that the spanish component has probably diluted over time since the Spanish occupation was quite some time ago.

  3. Hi Northman. You’ve really picked one I do like this time – definitely one of the top import models! The ‘new generation’ of import models just aren’t up to this standard IMHO, or other older import models like Sasha Singleton and Kristen Muranaga for that matter.

    As far as her breasts go, the evidence isn’t clear one way or the other – I’d need to see them nude in various poses to be sure. But they certainly are nice!

  4. Vivelerock – Totaly agree with you!

    BadBoy – Thanks for your comments. If you go back andn read my last paragraph, you will see why I said thanks to Christine’s Mom. 🙂

    Dr. Lee – Glad to hear you liked Christine. She is one of my favorite non-nude models. PS: What kind of Doctor are you? A PhD in Asian Female Studies??? 🙂

  5. NorthMan, thanks for clarifying what you wrote in regard to Mrs. Mendoza aka Christine Mendoza’s mom. Although, I imagine that Mendoza may be part of her fake model name so that contributed to my misunderstanding.

  6. Badboy….probably you are right… instead I’ll say thanks Mrs. Insert_Real_Last_Name_Here

    PS: I had SO MANY great pics of Christine I literally took almsot 2 hours sorting and narrowing down to the ones I chose. And I still felt bad about eliminating some.

  7. Christine is HOT.. When I first met her at the Model Expo 2-3 years ago, I was blown away by her beauty. I could NOT stop staring at her. It’s like I was looking at a movie star or something. LoL! Not only is she beautiful but she’s also very down to earth and very friendly.

    -Charisse K.

  8. Christine finally nude?! There’s this new DVD out by 360vm called Christine Mendoza Exposed and Uncut. And I wanted to know for anybody who has seen the DVD, does Christine actually get nude in it?

  9. Christine finally nude? How about christine finally nude? Sorry, I couldn’t resist but if you’re willing, christine, I’m sure we’ll be gentle:-)

  10. Christine confuses me. Her breast size changed over the years. After seeing her topless, her breasts look like they could be fake, since they are so perky for boobs her size. Though, her boobs have a slight sag, when she bends.

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