A Look Into Japanese Vaudeville: The Sexy Nipple Dance

Vaudeville: a light often comic theatrical piece frequently combining pantomime, dialogue, dancing, and song.I thought this was worth a peek. It’s funny and sexy at the same time. Vaudeville has never been a personal interest of mine but it’s amazing what you can find on youtube when you’re bored. I was curious to see what others here at A-S would think about it.

I couldn’t get over the faces of the two with short hair! They’re so serious, I wonder how much trouble they had keeping straight faces. The one with the curly hair was smiling and making all kinds of faces, I guess it was part of the show since she was the odd one.

Sadly, the website of this troup is not in English so I don’t know the names of the three featured here. Perhaps, we’ll get by with a little help from our friends? (McCartney/ Lennon… sorry Yoko)

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0 thoughts on “A Look Into Japanese Vaudeville: The Sexy Nipple Dance”

  1. If they turned off the stage lights and let them shine on their own the sketch could have been even more interesting.

  2. It’s like the Blue Man Group with boobs, but I think it may actually be their hands inside.

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