2012 Chinese Calendar Girls


Following in the wondrous tradition of Playboy and Sports Illustrated, Game.163.com (a Chinese gaming portal) have released their annual calendar chockโ€™o’block full of some of mainland Chinaโ€™s hottest models. Helping everyone celebrate the new year, which as any red blooded China-man knows started this year on the 23rd of January. Come on rest of the world, the lunar calendar system rocks! Ahem… yes.

Click here to download the whole pack of large size pictures direct from the Game.163.com site.













Calendar Girls @ Mainland Hotties

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0 thoughts on “2012 Chinese Calendar Girls”

  1. Looks like the zip file has fallen victim to the Asian Sirens effect. ๐Ÿ™‚

    I too love lunar new year – it’s such a great excuse to get close to as many beautiful Asian girls as possible. ๐Ÿ˜‰

  2. I think I would start with March and flip over to September half way through the year, although they are all pretty good. June has quite a rack.

  3. September, July, and to a lesser extent March for me. Although I’m not really wild about the way they’ve all been made to look the same, I suspect those three look best pre-shopped.

  4. Well, hey a combo wallpaper/calendar with a different ‘siren’ each month.
    Only a few days left to enjoy Miss January (sigh) but then 29 days of Miss Feb is something to look foward to. Starts to pick up around June, then a bit of a slow time until October. mmmm@her
    Then roll on to the 2013 calendar.
    Yes, CNY combined with Australia Day today is a bit surreal here in China.
    A day for a dash of ABC’s Coodabeen Champions podcast, then Triple J’s Hottest 100 all day. Lunch is steamed dumplings, not damper and syrup (sigh) -washed down with Tsingtao beer.
    Hope the Aussie AS fans have a bonza Oz Day.

  5. The modern Australia Day (as opposed to the white Australia Day the racist, flag waving rednecks always try to turn it into).

    For me, January and June are the standouts in these photos – and I mean that quite literally. ๐Ÿ™‚ Miss June may actually be the least pretty, but at least she looks different – besides, it’s hard to concentrate on her face anyway. ๐Ÿ˜‰ Miss January is probably the best overall.

  6. January has a fabulous bod and I think sheโ€™d make me merry.
    February may be fun, but I remain wary.
    March would put in my shorts some starch
    April would take me for a ride of thrill
    May with whom Iโ€™d most like to make hay
    June has a top that will make me swoon.
    July is hot and I think on that I could rely
    August would make me fall in lust
    September would give me a night to remember
    October is one for whom I would roll over
    November would really stiffen my member
    December would then cap off a pretty darn good year.

  7. Hey Doc – it’s one thing for you to get on Wings and I for talkin’ hockey but another thing for LT to go on in a completely different language. I’m guessing that I would take steamed dumplings with Chinese vinegar over damper and syrup or bangers and mash or vegemite any day. Or better, a burger and fries, if you please.

  8. It’s amazing how that, with all the Photoshopping done to these images, they neglected to hide Miss June’s peek-a-boo pubes. ๐Ÿ˜ฎ

  9. Sorry dipper. I was merely following on from Shuai Ge’s words about Chinese New Year in his intro. And the fact it’s also Australia Day. But yeah I admit I did get a bit carried away.
    Delicious dumplings btw – like Miss January’s – ๐Ÿ˜‰

  10. If you download the zip file (you’ll have to copy the link and paste it into another tab/window/browser so Asian Sirens isn’t the referer), you can see that they’re not just shadows. In #2 (7KGO1I4O482T0031.jpg), you can see them peeking out mostly on her right leg, but also a bit on her left. On #4 (7KGO1KVK482T0031.jpg), they are very visible on her right leg.

    The main beef I have with the girls is that so many of them are wearing colored contacts. Some of them also appear to have Photoshop-enlarged eyes (like Miss June).

    In any case, this is a very nice find (especially Miss August). ๐Ÿ™‚

  11. Ah yes – after downloading the zip and looking at the 4th pic of Miss June, I can see what you mean! She must be pretty furry. ๐Ÿ™‚

  12. After looking at the full size pics I’m still going with my original choices, in addition to Miss August who looks quite cute (and I suspect will hold up quite well without all the Photoshoppong).

  13. Ok yeah, I take it back. Indeed, thinking about it after posting, I’d wondered if a fuller blow up of her pic might have revealed those stray pubes.

  14. Another vote for Miss January. Although heavy Photoshopping makes it hard to be sure. Would be fairly happy with all of them. Doesn’t Game163 print and sell this calendar? I’m going to HK and Shanghai – I’d buy it. No luck today with the zip file.

  15. lol Doc, yeah, when I saw the tat on her leg..the name!- I knew I’d seen it and her before. Glad no harm done in reposting ๐Ÿ˜‰

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