Zuo Xiao Na (Nadja)


Zuo Xiao Na is a Moko model. Like most Moko models, she’s tall. She stands 5’8. She goes by Nadja apparently too. Hooray information!Stats:

Age: ?
Height: 5’8
Ethnicity: Chinese
Located: China




Moko Top Girl
Mainland Hotties Article

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0 thoughts on “Zuo Xiao Na (Nadja)”

  1. Awesome physique! Would love to see more – with less!

    Oh…and she speaks English!

  2. She won’t have to watch her step
    She won’t have to relocate
    I guarantee her personal security

    She don’t have to be five foot ten
    Or blond or brunette
    She don’t have to be no social hostess
    Send her

    She might work in a factory
    Right next door to me
    In my fantasy,
    Send her to me

    Send her to me
    Send her to me
    Send her to me
    Send her to me

    She could be Rumanian
    Could be Bubarian
    Could be Albanian
    Might be Hungarian
    Could be Australian
    Could be the Alien
    Send her to me

  3. I’m not sure I’m getting the point of weekender’s prose in this context.

    As for Nadja, she’s certainly attractive enough, but I don’t find her to be anywhere near as outstanding as the other commenters here do, especially once the usual Moko modifications are removed.

  4. Rough transcript of me browsing the pictures:

    “Pretty, okay. First picture, second picture … yeah, she’s the prettier one in the third … OH DAYUM”

  5. i really really love her bum. however i think it has been photoshop adjusted/trimmed/toned/tanned and in reality her bum would not look anywhere near as tight and perfect.

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