Zhou Xiao Han (Mainland Sirens 11)


Xiao Han looks fantastic with her darkly tanned skin doing beach shoots. This girl bucks the trend of all those pale skinned Chinese models, carrying sun umbrellas and constantly applying face whitener. Of course having a body like Xiao Han, it’s not hard to see why she’s not afraid to show it off!














Age: 24
Height: 167cm
Ethnicity: Chinese (Han?)
From: Chongqing The mega city you’ve never heard of
Located: Beijing

Mainland Hotties
Moko page
Gallery 1
Gallery 2
Gallery 3

Xiao Han isn’t that well known and finding info on her outside her moko page was a real struggle, as such I couldn’t find a single video link for her. If any one does manage please post!

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0 thoughts on “Zhou Xiao Han (Mainland Sirens 11)”

  1. There’s so much to like about her. Chinese would not have been my first (or second) guess as to her ethnicity.

  2. This tanned look is becoming increasingly common amongst young Chinese girls in my experience, though they’re still the minority.

  3. Nice job, Shuai!
    She’s super hot, sexy, playful…
    Ok I’ll forgive her the tats and focus on her tits.

  4. “This tanned look is becoming increasingly common amongst young Chinese girls in my experience.”

    And it is just so… so wonderful.

    Anyway, her body is stunning. Good choice.

  5. I had to look extra closely to see if her tight white shorts (mmm) weren’t painted on.

    Some will say she needs to eat more, but I think her figure really suits the clothes she models.

    Unlike a few on this page, many of the poco shots are just incredible and so creative. Some nudes would be welcome!

    Oh and great article on Chongqing too. As a slice of life in contemporary China it goes from one extreme to the other. A ‘must read’ for anyone wanting to know what the ‘real China’ is about.
    only one grrr: the link for her profile is totally blocked (for me, anyway).

  6. She’s got the sultry seductress look down pat, but I would like to see some joy in her eyes and face, and I don’t see any. Not my type fosur.

  7. Her body is so nice…sexy…hopefully, she doesn’t go any tanner than that 🙂 that tan looks natural on her…

    Cute face too.

  8. Though I’ve heard of Chongqing, I’ll say I’ve never been
    Someday I may get there, but really don’t know when.
    But if Zhou Xiao Han is any reason to
    You’ll see me on the Yangtze with paddles and canoe.

    This girl is fine; I really love the tan
    Want to see her nude? I think I’ve got a plan
    I’d practice my best Chinese and then to her propose….
    Dear Xiao – not asking much – just see where that dragon goes!

  9. Wonderful body, she has it all right, with some nice shoulders too. Love the tan, hopefully that trend will catch on. Within reason of course.

  10. Wow! Very nice, and the tan is just right (along with a lot of other things, ahem). Like some others here, I’m not especially a fan of tattoos, but in her case they are hardly a distraction.

  11. She has a tan? I did not notice that so much, I did notice the dragon though! I also am not a fan of tattoos, I am old school, but I definitely would make her an acceptation! Very nice long lean legs, very pretty face, definitely niceeeeee all over!!!!!! This is the kind girl I wish one of my sons would hook up with and bring home!

  12. Just couldn’t stop at the one tat in the front I could have overlooked – had to go with the big nasty stamp.
    Everyone else assuming those are implants? Great size for her frame. Love the fitness aspect to it – doesn’t look frail like many women.
    The tan is awesome. Hopefully now with affluence coming to the Mainland (and thus the ability to vacation in warm beach cities) they’ll realize some sun (in moderation) is good for you.

  13. Great body and pretty enough. I’m not crazy about the tan or the fake boobs, but neither are over the top.

    But overall, I have to agree with jleetechie. Not much of a smile. Even when she does sort of smile, there is little sense of joy, IMO. I realize that probably has more to do with the photographer than the model, in many cases. Still despite her obvious charms, she doesn’t WOW me.

  14. A legendary friend of mine once said:

    “You get yourself a hot anorexic… and you buy her some implants… well, that’s about as close as you can get to dating a comic book character”.

    This might be second-best, but I still like.

  15. A part of me really like this girl .. she is thin with a flat stomach and curvy hips (my personal taste).

    A art of me really don’t like this girl … she reminds me of ladyboys in Thailand. I don’t mean she looks “manly” but she seems have a lot of man-made parts above her waist (including her face and eyes) which I don’t like (again, my personal taste).

  16. Excellent! Love the B&W at the head of the post. Tanned skin is on the rise in developing economies, no question. As China fattens itself off our Walmart purchases, so will the figures of Chinese women (on average)

  17. Beautiful model. If anyone finds any non pro shots of her, I would love to see them. Maybe she isn’t smiling because she has not gotten her teeth done yet and I wonder what kind of forehead she is hiding under those bangs.

    I would take her every day and twice on Tuesday. Tattoos, bad attitude, fargled teeth and likely melon head too. She is awesome.

  18. Definitely one of the best mainland sirens. She doesn’t wow me, but she’s still got that tight thin body that I like.

  19. I don’t post here very often, but Xiao Han is really gorgeous. And the clothes look too (except for the way the bikini top looks in the 2nd pic). Mind you, she would look good in almost anything.
    I will probably be moving to China after a long stint in Japan, so this is extremely encouraging!

  20. I am in love with this lady she is so sexy, and while I personally could not fault her after taking up Redlaw’s challenge I don’t think there is a good photo showing her teeth when smiling.
    She does seem to have nice teeth and a cute (toothless) smile….
    But the smiling shots…
    I get the feeling these look bad because she is nervous, I am sure her natural smile wod be lovely.

  21. Great post. I really prefer the tanned look for asian women, probably partially why I prefer Filipino and Vietnamese girls to Japanese women.

  22. WoW!…this is perfection. Her legs are so long and sexy. I think the her tan adds to her hotness. I just drooled a little.

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