For a porn star, Yumi is adorable. She has big eyes, big lips, and has a sweet/confused look that I know a lot of you like. Don’t know if she would generally be model material, but for someone that star(red) in adult films, she’s a cutie.Stats:
Age: ?
Height: ?
Ethnicity: Japanese
Located: ?

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she is kind of cute but not really my type
IWTHT…her nipples are perfectly round.
lol French..an astounding comment!
I checked with a compass and yes you are absolutely right!
I’ve seen Yumi before on other sites.How could you forget that name? Yummy (definitely edible with those al dente nipples)..or is it You-me?
btw what does IWTHT mean?
I do like her look in the last pic, and the ones of her hands grabbing her ankles.
Wow, it doesn’t get much better then this.
IWTHT: I Would Totally Hit That!
And she has dimples on her cheeks (face cheeks guys, not the butt cheeks)…she is kinda cute, Travis, and slightly confused…I like.
She’s just so very very refreshing to look at. I totally agree with French on this girl. She really has brightened up my day, all smilee and cute and sexy.
Mark me up in the IWTHT column too. Hey, if she’s a little confused I would be happy to clear some things up for her.
I wonder if she can remember her first time.
I wonder if i could join the list…..
I wonder how she maintains her perfect nipple condition after (i’m assuming) such frequent repeated use and abuse
I wonder if she would ever give up her profession and focus her loving attention (after the appropriate medical check-ups) on just one balding hairy fella.
Strong legs, curves, hot lips and some cute dimples. She’s not a model, but a sexy asian in my book. IWTHTT! 🙂
She’s really cute, with a sexy body.
I’m guessing 5’3 100 pounds
Jeeeeeze!!! Enough of STANDARD ISSUE MODELS !!! C’mon Travis…let’s see some tits and ass!!! This isn’t like you to torture us with…anything less than Suelle!
I’d hit it too, but she’s just OK for me. She does make the most of what she’s got and she’s got a cute body.
Nuthin confused in pic 2. A look that says, “White boy, you’d best be up and ready to rock, ’cause I’m a gonna [expletive deleted) ya ’til my pootie’s a poppin.
Born 11/25/81
Guess her weight and you win a prize.
“Big Black Beef Stretches Little Pink Meat 2” I’m sure was a family favorite.
just add strawberries,i’m in heaven
Not for mine, but the ‘hold on to the ankles pose’ nearly swayed me!
Luke72: Yes, those poses are great and they reminded me of some of my favorite Sung Hi Lee poses.
I believe the phrase we settled on was OMGIWTHT!
dbldipper: If the prize is Yumi, I’m all for it. I’m guessing 100lbs, give or take:-)
perfect girl next door look.
I’m afraid I’m just not feelin’ it…Yumi is not yummy!
Although – after a few cans of ale I could probably find her very appealing until the morning light.
She’s what we call a ‘blocker’! Good from a block away, but after that – that face is a bit hard to block out!
I think her eyes are too close together…
?Tail-end-Charley says: NightHawk is FULL OF IT!! This cutie has just about everything you might desire in a female partner. HE must be more discerning in future comment(s)….!
AND MORE: This cutie has a beautiful smile…enchanting! Very Welcome!! Not sure what HE was thinking in first comment?? More of this Travis…I made a BIG, BIG MISTAKE!!
She was on Mr. Chews and a few similar places, she isn’t the shy type either. 😀
The deal was closed on that second pic.Her hips just make me…
… just make you what?! Don’t leave us hanging here STRIPES! 😛
just make him want to JIZZ IN HIS PANTS?
There’s a reason Stripes left it vague nicholiservia – crude comments are against our posting guidelines (as stated at the bottom of the page). You’d be well advised to keep such comments vague too.
Just imagine, Stripes being the restrained one….
Not feeling this one at all.