Yuli Ayulin


Yuli Ayulin is a young model from Indonesia. She considers modeling her full time job, but I’ve only found photos of her from one photographer whose work can be seen here. That may be because they’re not in her portfolio or because she goes by many different names, apparently, but there you go.Stats:

Age: 19
Height: 5’6
Ethnicity: Indonesian
Located: Singapore








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0 thoughts on “Yuli Ayulin”

  1. Many men have a preference for a female part
    Easy to see; you don’t need a chart

    Some like the top – a nice set of jugs
    Though if they’re too big, it hard to get hugs.

    Others like the back, a firmly round butt.
    Those sirens look hot, especially when they strut.

    One area for sure, though, the question begs
    Who amongst us doesn’t like beautiful legs?

    This Yuli’s quite pleasant; all parts look nice
    I looked at the legs, then looked at them twice

    With just one request and I’d be discrete
    I’d love to see where they meet.

  2. Cool poem dipper.
    I agree with what you’d like to see.
    Seems, from some of the poses above, she is keeping that area quite well hidden.
    Adds to her mystique maybe?
    Quite attractive nonetheless.

  3. Nothing at all weird to me. Very pretty, and I know it must be the heels, but she certainly looks taller than 5’6″. Definitely her legs are the best part and I concur with dbldipper (who’s on a roll).

  4. oh wow. And from Indonesia too. This must be the reason they like to keep ’em wearing hijabs: to stop their country becoming overrun by horny drooling idiots like myself…..

    Wow again. Oh the fun you could have with this lady. (ie, playing chess, watching tv together, deep and meaningful discussions about feelings, shopping for shoes,…… )

    Or maybe we could just spend all night nude jelly wrestling instead……

  5. Nationality would be indonesian. Her ethnicity would be javanese, minangkabau or any of the various malay subgroups.

  6. Love her legs…but she doesn’t wow me..maybe if she works withdifferent photographers..our different makeup and styling..I don’t know..

  7. Guys, that hamasaki boutique site is not exist. And I doubt that she has Indonesian ethnicity.
    I am sure she is only sudden model not a professional.

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