Yuki Touma

Yuki Touma

Hope everyone had a great Silvester and is ready for another year with beautiful Asian Sirens. I would like to start with Yuki Touma (aka Yuki Toma), a beautiful Japanese gravure idol that made her AV-debut back in 2004. She was born on March 15th, 1983 in Tokyo, Japan. After her debut she did more than 25 videos and several photobooks. Enough to keep you busy for days. Hope you enjoy it!
Yuki Touma

Yuki Touma

Yuki Touma

Selected links:
Official website Yuki Touma
Official blog Yuki Touma
Yuki Touma @ Scanlover.com (1,000+ pictures)
Yuki Touma in Deep (20 pictures from her photobook)
Yuki Touma @ Actionjav.com (only for members)
Yuki Touma @ XCity (only for members)
Yuki Toma’s Japanese Adult Videos

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0 thoughts on “Yuki Touma”

  1. Great lead-off pics for ’07.My resolution is to make women like Ms.Touma regular “evening accesories”…oh yeah and make more money.

    Good health/Good fortune 2u.

  2. Is it just me or are nude (not implied nude) galleries of her hard to find?

    Also, does anyone else have problems viewing Scanlovers site? All I get is “Under construction”.

  3. Yeah, I’ve always much preferred it to most American glamour photography – it’s usually more naturalistic and often (as in this case) more dynamic and creative.

    I downloaded about half a gig of photos from Finest Models yesterday, but I threw most of it away, as it felt like I was looking at the same photo over and over again.

  4. Doesn’t that prove that it isn’t that most of it isn’t very good? I mean, American glamour photography is everywhere – if you have to look hard to find good stuff, then the percentage of good American glamour photography must be relatively small.

  5. To be honest I have to agree with Lee; in general the Japanese photography is much more captivating than most of the American photography. Reason? I think most of the American work nowadays is created for fast selling via internet. They use digital cameras and shoot hundreds of the same pictures without any creativity. Sure, if you look very hard you will find a few nice shots.

    I truly hope that good work will be paid again just as in the past when I really enjoyed the pictures of, for example, Sung Hi Lee. Remember the Milk shots, her Yellow flowers shots or her pictures taken from the Photobook Butterfly? The value of most of her pictures devaluated when she started her official website and you could find hundreds of similar pictures with her as a butterfly, smoking a cigarette or whatever. Nice for peopel who love it to download as much pictures as they can but after some time not interesting anymore for people who really appreciate the art of photography.

  6. Yep, what Marco says is right on the money. The internet market has become obsessed with quantity over quality; it seems that a million pics of the same old thing sells better than a thousand really good ones. And until the market becomes more discerning, that’s the way it’s going to stay. I mean, let’s face it: who needs more than a thousand good pics anyway? Isn’t that better than the same boring pic a million times over?

    The Japanese are still prepared to pay for quality.

  7. Those are the reasons why I prefer to look at photography from overseas. The majority of the work is better quality, more creative and more artistic. Plus I love looking at Asians who look Asian. American photography is lacking in those areas. Plus the SoCal look is tired. I’m not going to demand change, just look elsewhere.

  8. I believe there to be a strong connection between the Americam photographers and the Socal models. Meaning that the local photographers in the West Coast of the US overly photoshop the images to make them look pretty, hiding the flaws of the models and the lack of creativity of their own work. Just a content mill, and there is really nothing creative about the work, except maybe for the expensive locations that are used.

    Overseas goes for a more creative outdoor natural settings. The flaws of the models are mitigated by taking care of how a model is shot and the use of creative lighting and proper exposure use.

    Being a photographer myself, I know the trends, likes and dislikes. I have my own
    opinions about all this. It just doesn’t seem to matter though, since the demands are such that like Dr. Lee says is true, the market drives the images that are being produced, if the market stops accepting this images, then the style of photography will change too.

    There is quality work here in the states, but you won’t find most of it on the internet.


  9. Thanks, I thought she was nice too. I could be wrong, but I believe she’s different than Yuki Toumi above. I do love both girls with all my heart though.

  10. I don’t think arf was suggesting they are the same girl – I think he was just pointing out anther Japanese girl he liked. Anyway, it definitely is a different girl (You Mina) – the page even says so! 😉

  11. Just checked your site Keith and you are great photographer as well. Specially liked the Francine Dee shots. Are you still working with her?

    It would be great if we can see some of the Socal models in poses like the examples above from Yuki Touma.

  12. It’s a perfect body weew…I want to look for some naked pics from indonesian-chinese girl..Share with me plss

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