I’m going to admit something a little embarrassing. I am not 100% sure all of the photos below are of Yu Hui. They came up when I searched for her name, they look like her, but there are some very small differences (that may be stylization) that make me doubt myself. If they are not her, however, then she has a very similar looking clone, and I don’t feel that bad. Most of them I know for a fact are.Photos:

Studio Shoot
More photos of Yu Hui with another model
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Pretty woman. Don’t like the implants, which ruin her for me.
Her boob job is quite distinctive (and yes, it could be better but I don’t think it’s that bad), so I’m quite sure these are all the same girl. And I like her, especially her cute and pretty face.
She’s very cute. I think her boobs are ok.
I think these are all the same girl, like Dr. Lee pointed out her titties, and nose, are quite distinctive to her.
I’ve never heard of a chinese girl with a boob job, but there have been several posted here that clearly do have boob jobs and it makes me wonder about some of the nice titties I’ve assumed are real…
Better as a brunette.
I could do without the blonde bird’s nest, but she’s cute.
Photo #8 (arms upraised at the Cardboard North Pole) is the giveaway on the boob job. No reduction in breastacular volume with arms raised, like a normal boob would.
Funny thing about China is they don’t like them that voluptuous over there and amazingly enough, they might even call this girl “fat” over there because she’s not a size zero.
Plenty more for me.
You meant #9! But #8 is hot too! 🙂
Travis, you just featured her, last September.
I won’t complain, since I’d love to meet her, she is beautiful!
Definitely cute. Maybe Vietnamese?
She’s Chinese. Her name is Yu Hui.
Oh hey! Good call dazn.
AlienOverlord: you should take a look at Chinese gossip magazines. You don’t need to understand Chinese to notice the ads for breast surgery everywhere. They are in fact very common these days, but they usually make them so small that you wouldn’t know by looking at them in clothes (e.g. A cup to B cup). There seems to be a widespread misconception amongst men in the west that Asian women don’t have much cosmetic surgery, but the complete opposite is actually true.
@dazn: ah, I knew she looked familiar!
Yes, Korean women are known for some pretty extreme cosmetic surgery. Can you say ‘leg lengthening’ and ‘pubic hair replacement’ …without puking?
Oooh WoW!…sent from the heavens above. She’s fantastic.
Pic #6 is very nice with the shear red top.
I really like her body. Its fairly tight and curvy.
nice tits.. n body…
The second pic is not Yu Hui. I’ll introduce he to you guys soon.
As for Yu Hui, she’s nice.
I hadn’t really looked at the second pic, but you’re right – that does look like a different girl.
Candyman, now that you mention it…
Doc: too bad she’s not familiar from your local grocery. 🙂
Fake or not, those are some nice tits. Nice to see an Asian girl without some ridiculous tattoo as well.
Good job, Travis.
Daznlover’s link to the previous Yu Hui feature made me laugh, as Hakka Guy made an almost identical comment to mine that Mainlanders from China might consider this girl “fat”.
hot but i dont like that poofy hair in 1/2 the pics
It’s just that I’ve never heard anyone say they know someone who’s had a breast enhancement and the girls here really do like to gossip. I knew a girl who really loved big boobs and wanted to touch another girls boobs (trust me i tried to make it happen) just because hers were too small but she never mentioned surgery.
Oh, but i have heard of women here having other surgery, like to their eyelids, that’s why I think it’s odd I’ve never once heard someone mention breast enhancement. I’ve also seen the creams and push up bra commercials (good tv when you can’t understand real tv). It seems to me that there are quite a few sizeable boobs here, but I figure it has more to do with the KFC 😛
Picture 2 was the one I was doubting the most too. Even weirder is I think I know who she is, but I have some 400 people on my list and I don’t want to go through each one with a Chinese name just to figure out who it is.
She’s either a metcn model or a litu100 model.
I’ve never seen her before, great find Travis. While she’s not perfect and her boob job is just okay she’s really got that little something that sets here apart. Thanks for the post.
Perky AND large boobs, goota love that.
Candyman, please don’t introduce he to us soon. Her would be okay, though.
Big boobs not popular in China (no pun intended)? how about this evidence?
LOL! I love the name (“God’s Hand”). 🙂
How about her friend in the last pic? Quite nice too. Anyone have any pics of her?
The People’s Repubic of Sexy.