Xi Xi is a Moko Top Girl, although unlike most of the Moko models, she does not have many of the same doll photos that they do. Perhaps she has not been modeling for long, or maybe I simply do not understand how these Moko models work. She also does not have a lot of photos for a Moko model and most are as recent as last year, which is also unusual.Stats:
Age: ?
Height: 5’6
Ethnicity: Chinese
Located: ?

Mainland Hotties article (with lost of gallery links)
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She is breathtaking and I am rendered nearly speechless.
Wow! Now this is really my kind of girl – a real modern Chinese babe.
Good Lord!!!! She is too HOT for words. Anyone have more pics to add please? I just became a fan.
Xi Xi, Xi Xi!
No I am not mindlessly repeating her name. As some of you will know, I am thanking her in Chinese. I ought to also thank her parents for meeting and producing this gorgeous young woman.
I for one am hoping there’s more of Xi Xi ‘out there’.
Oh yes – a well pronounced “xi xi” can get one a long way. 😉
OH MY *Jaw drops to the floor*
Those hips don’t lie either!!
Particularly if you get a sweet ‘bu yong xi’ back!
Having a bit of trouble finding this girl on the Moko gallery though. Not to worry – some of the other ‘scenery’ is rather tasty too.
OK, I live in a land of exquisite and exotic beauty. And I have as preferred a taste in women as I do in everything else, including ice cream.
She is beautiful. The turn of the hips. That luscious kiss of an area just ….
She’s beautiful. My IQ dropped 30 points when this page loaded.
Xi Xi. Oui Oui. Wow Wee!
And that’s just for the pictures posted here. For some reason the Moko gallery isn’t working for me today. A Google image search didn’t some up with much either.
Any more links for this fabulous woman?
The Moko gallery listed has no images for me. I did manage to get in the front door to this page, though:
Just unbelievably beautiful and charismatic.
I just can’t imagine a more beautiful woman.
Travis–thank you for ending 2010 on such a high note. Here’s to a great 2011~~!!
Someone should study her artwork (message?) as well.. (see one of the last photos at Bigfoot Dean’s link).
She seems to be saying something about sunbathing and making love in a house that looks remarkably like mine. Fate, I tell ‘ya.
*Looks for box of crackers to share with her in bed with high thread count sheets. *
Stunning! I love the Moko girls and she is as good as I have seen.
Link to more pictures. http://www.redflava.com/gallery/thumbnails.php?album=157
WoW!…She’s such a doll. Her eyes are so captivating. Just draws you in for a better look.
Good stuff Tom. Lovely set of new pics.
And now we have her proper name – Tian Lei Xi.
With the proviso that Moko isn’t exactly WYSIWYG (although this girl appears less touched up than most), I think we have a winner, gentlemen.
Pretty but in that one pic above looks like implants.
Maybe this link will get you into Moko to see her two posted videos. http://www.moko.cc/post/xxprincess/241956.html
Strout, I think you are referring to pic 2. I think this is evidence of bad Photoshop rather than surgery, however if the end result of surgery ended this well who could complain.
Yeah, that’s definitely a Photoshop cleavage in pic 2. Like I said, Moko is not WYSIWYG. 🙂
in some of those photos her legs go on forever. such a pretty face and well taken care of body. she is going to make a man very very happy one day. lets hope she has the brains to go with those looks.
True Luke72, with the rest of the complete gorgeous package who cares about that one shot, ha ha.
While I’m not harping on the rest of the Moko girls, I must say that the hips on this breathtaking lady sure is a refreshing sight.
ummm….wow. i am speechless
Stunning hips, deep eyes and long sexy legs. What else can a man ask for?
Whit Tian, I’m guessing that this time the Moko guys figured out they didn’t really needed (much) Photoshop.
And now I go speechless.
You know her hips don’t lie
And I’m starting to feel it rise ..
All the attraction, the tension
Don’t you see, this is perfection
Simply gorgeous.
Yeah Xi Xi and Junko both have something goin’ on behind the eyes.
I don’t post much but when i do, you know the girl is a winner. a true beauty. thx for the find.
As an Asian Sirens member, it’s easy to get jaded — you know, ho hum, another beautiful Asian girl. However, when I saw Xi Xi I literally said “Wow”!
True Chinese siren
A bikini clad vision
See you more in less?
Epic classic beauty! I could easily fall into a life of servitude for this woman.
Excellent find.
Simply the prettiest woman I’ve seen on Asian Sirens in a long time.
Geez, she’s amazing, i agree 1 of the prettiest