A new wave of the Asian pop scene has entered into America as “eXposure: Voices of a Second Generation” took place on May 6, 2006 at the Scottish Rite Auditorium in Los Angeles. At this concert, fans came to cheer on their favorite Asian-American pop stars, with the most well-received contestant due to win an Audience Award and a $1000 cash prize. The top ten finalists were: Erik Carlson, Jeanie Cha, Youmee Cha, Catherine Hwang, Sue Jin Kim, Grace Lee, Daehun Lim, Nam Ngo, Pete Nguyen, and Next Phaze. These talented musicians rose above hundreds of contestants with their strong vocal abilities and songwriting skills.
For those that aren’t aware, the organiser behind this contest Experimental Production, has helped produced a wide array of Asian artists including BoA, Fly to Sky, SES, and Chemistry. They’ve also helped produce a few American artists such as 3LW, 2Pac and Jordan Knight.
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Lots of Koreans… (exclusively Korean for the lady contestants). I wonder if it has anything to do with culture up bringings, heritage or other factors (such as the fact the producers are Koreans?)…
Personally I think the guys are more “original” in their choice of songs and performance.
But man, a couple of those girls are HOT! Are the “Cha” girls sisters?
No Japanese women? thats strange. This is interesting though, by me, on the other coast, I have not seen nearly any asian-americans in the media yet.
Who is that in the picture?
I believe that’s Boa in the pic above, jdrevenge
Robin, Marco , how bout featuring Korean cutey yunjinkim, from america’s tv hit series LOST http://www.yunjinkim.com , http://abc.go.com/primetime/lost/
Utada Hikaru for sure.