Wang Yue, about as common a Chinese name as John Smith is in the west, but this Wang Yue is anything but common. A true beauty, she featured in the Moko Top Girl’s second season a few years back and has continued since then to churn out a regular string of impressive material.Yue means ‘moon’ and also ‘month’ in Chinese depending on the context. Any month of the year she’s welcome to visit my neck of the woods!
Age: 24
Height: 164cm 5’5″
Ethnicity: Han Chinese
From: Beijing
Located: Beijing
Wang Yue @ Mainland Hotties
Moko Page
(It’s the best i could find for this girl) 🙁
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You’ve got to love these slender, leggy Chinese girls with tasteful enhancements – or at least I do anyway!
I wasn’t that impressed with her face in the first pic, but mmmm scrolling, she got hotter and hotter.
By the way, and while the last post was about geography, this might be about language.
Month in Chinese pinyin is yue, while moon is yue liang (down tones on the ‘e’ and the ‘a’).
Moon and month, of course, are related, hence the same Chinese character.
Four tones in Chinese will give an extra 2 different characters, so yue will have more meanings. Can’t think what they are though 🙁
So if we knew which of the 4 tones applies to Ms Yue’s name, we’d know.
End of lesson 😉
Yep, we’ve go to have some intellectual discussion mixed in with our (semi-)naked girls. 🙂
Yes i agree with longtrack…the first pic wasn’t great but she got better and better. overall shes pretty good
Amending what I said, we have one meaning for ‘yue’ – month. So there are 3 other meanings, depending on the tones.
Yes, doc, thanks – nothing wrong with mixing it up. Hey look we already learned about the extent of Asia didn’t we?
Going by the tat and the watermark, is she aka Angel Xu? There would be no mistaking her if we couldn’t see her face, only her lower back.
I gotta agree that each picture got better and better! Those legs are great in the black and green shorts photos for me. The bathtub photo looks hot, shoes have to go! Her legs seem like they could wrap around you twice during sex and never let you go! Nice!!!!!!!!! She is hot in all the dress photos, especially for me in the leopard print! I must say the first photo was either blurry or something is wrong with her butt, its like not too visible. Still she got a lotta going on with that body!!!!!!
beautiful, just simply beautiful girl!
Nah…not really.Had enough of tall Asian babes with long atrophied legs. Mix in some squats & calf raises.”Tramp Stamps” are so 2001…enough.She does manage to grab my attention in the green jumper.(#9)
@STRIPES, agree with your hope that Tramp Stamps are a soon to be ending fad (not sure how optimistic I am). But disagree with the ‘enough tall Asian babe’ comment – never enough of them. And 5’5″ isn’t that tall – the legs are deceiving.
Hey guys,
Well done WerewolfVm for being the first to pick up and comment on the terrible Photoshop goof in the first picture. It’s an absolute classic blunder which made me laugh out loud when I saw it and the main reason I choose that pic for the first one.
To be fair Luke was actually the first to catch on to it over on the Mainland Hotties site.
As for her being called ‘Angel Xu’, that is the name she uses on her weibo (Chinese twitter) account, so probably yes.
And finally the “Yue” character is 4th tone. http://translate.google.com.hk/?hl=en&tab=wT#auto|en|%E6%9C%88
I love tall Asian babes with long legs…it’s just the tall ones from the mainland (like this one) have’nt quite figured out that “slender fit” is a better look than “slender atrophy”.
She was working her ass off for that first photo shoot.
In picture 2 her legs look a little too thin to me, but it is probably the angle in which she is posing.
This young lady is a good photo model, but for my own tastes a little juiceless. Photos #3 and #8 show her face to best effect; penultimate photo shows the clothes the best (although poorly shot); agree that the green jumper shot is the only that makes me want to reach for her.
Month in Chinese pinyin is yue, while moon is yue liang (down tones on the ‘e’ and the ‘a’).
Moon and month, of course, are related, hence the same Chinese character.
Forgive the off-topic excursion, but 月 means both “moon” and “month”, as any student of the classics could tell you. You can be sure this girl’s name is not alluding to the calendar.
She might Wang Yue
but would she bang you?
Probably not
but she’s still hot