Vivian Shi is another Moko Top Girl. I have to tell you, I’m really liking these Moko Top Girls. Most of these models use a handle that is simply a shortened version of their name. Vivian Shi goes by “Yuan Love Box.” Hopefully that is as funny to you as it is to me.Stats:
Age: 24
Height: 5’6
Ethnicity: Chinese
Located: China

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she’s pretty but i dont find her all that… outstanding
Pretty runway model-type (she looks taller than 5’6″ in her pictures). If memory serves ‘shi’ means death in Japanese.
Wow! Nice find, Travis. Spectacular.
“If memory serves ‘shi’ means death in Japanese.”
Bearing in mind she is Chinese, ‘Shi’ could be anything from ‘stone’ to the number ’10’. It even means ‘is’ depending on pronunciation, but ‘stone’ would be more likely. There is a famous tongue twister in china ‘si shi si, shi shi shi, si shi shi si shi….’
Cute, but for some reason my favourite is the photo with her eyes closed, when she’s not trying to be ‘erotic’.
Vivian is very pretty. I especially like the shot with her on the pier. You can really see how thin and long her body looks in that shot.
Pretty and attractive girl but nothing to make me looking for more pictures about her.
The shots taken with the red car are my favorites.
Definitely the red sports pic 2 and pic 11, first B&W, seem to capture some energy. Miss Love box? Yeah that is a chuckle.
She is a model that does not seem to have enough to really stand out. Some better photography could help. But I see passing her on the street and not really hitting the babe radar.
I like her alot. She must have hit my babe radar pretty good with them legs and tush of hers.
Here’s a couple of my faves so far. I’m falling in love I think…with her body that is.
It also means 4. However she is chinese. Yuan (chinese money) love box. Get it?
I’m normally not a crass person but the simple truth is I really want to have sex with this lady. She makes me tingle in that special yet seemingly unfamiliar way….
Actually, I have to agree that there is a certain sexuality about this girl which is rare amongst the Chinese models. Unusually, it seems I find her more striking than many people here.
“Unusually, it seems I find her more striking than many people here.”
that’s certainly true for me…. you probably wouldn’t think i was very striking at all if you met me in real life…
Nice one kroos. 😀
Seems you noticed the nipple too Travis? (see the previous link). It was a delicious surprise for me also. Not evident in the other pics, just one or two at the moko site.
Not blatantly shown, rather more understated – a nice change from ‘in your face’ nips.
Not that is ANYTHING wrong with nipples being thrust into your face hehe. Alluring indeed!
Now where can I drop my Yuan in the slot?
Spartan just cracked me up with his crassness. :))
It’s been added for reference.
1st pic promised a lot more, I thought she was the curvy type. Still, some sexy legs and nice body.
effing amazing!!!
If you mean you added the nipple pic travis – the last one in the set – thanks. I thought I was going crazy thinking I missed it first time.
Wow…fantastic girl. I fully approve.
The Moko girls are always great IMO, and this is another fine example. She couldn’t walk by in the street without me turning around for another look, I can feel the wife slapping my head already!
obviously is hard to know which “Yuan” is is with out seeing the chinese character…but it coudl be taken out of context as “money (yuan) love box” …lol…:D and i could guarantee you if you had a bird like this in china it would be a high maintenance “cash box”…no money ..no honey…
Travis’ link isn’t working for me:-(
I really with the Moko admin team supported English. I have sent them several emails but they never respond, sad really…
@arf – I know. I’m a dirty boy at times…. But that can be a good thing – no?
Speaking of which, even dirty she seems to have that special sexual magnetism.
Feelin’ the mojo about the Moko.
Understated elegance and sexuality. I’m with the Doc here. Especially love the skinny legs – shapely without being sticks.
Only thing I cannot understand – with many of the Chinese models – the insistence of combing their hair straight back. Leaves them with a large forehead in the picture.
very pretty , thanks
The last pic is hot.