Sorry fot the three day absence, I have been busy with other things, and I was kinda hoping my fellow bloggers would fill the gap… but it seems it’s just me! (should I sack them?! ;-))
So today I bring you (thanks to Northman) Victoria Hu @ Met-Art.com. Also check out this link for downloading.
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she reminds me of a guy ( the face, not the body )
A guy you used to date? 😉
hmm…ok guy? kind of reminds me of the song by the killers lol…j/k
Nothing against her, but she’s not for me. Need more Sung Hi Lee on this site, or even Sarah from Modellen.
I usually like the Met-Art girls. This one isn’t doing it for me, though. But, she isn’t hideous, or scary.
Oh, well.
I like most of them here, though.
I have to agree – she looks like a bit too masculine to me as well!
Masculine I don’t see, but she is not one I will remember in the future.
Has some sexy traits. I like her bending over the balcony all naked. Boob job, I’d guess. Maybe she gets to be more sensual in real life.
Nope, I’ve looked over her photos closely, and I ain’t seeing a dude. Thank God! I’ll admit she’s not going to be memorable, but she’s not tough to look at either.
I agree she is not my favourite of the girls featured here, you do maintain a high standard which is most appreciated. I think she looks very nice in this shot http://hosted.met-art.com/met-art_DAV_2_162//full/met-art_DAV_2_13.jpg
It is interesting that she shaves her pubic hair only from what is visible standing in front of the mirror, lazy or afraid of cuts? I wonder.
She can shave any which way she pleases…I like it.
She shows no muscles nor curves on her body. And her chicks is too red. She has an original asian face but anyway she is preety enough.
Sung Hi Lee=hot face + toned hot body
I’m so bored with these “fugly models”
Comon dude (NYC777), that’s a little harsh. Is she the hottest babe we’ve ever seen on this site? No. But she has some natural appeal in a “girl next door” kind of way. I think it is refreshing to have a variety of models here on this site. I also think the lighting (or lack of) in the photos doesn’t help. They look a little amateurish. I think she still looks pretty cute.
I should add that I have only seen the posted photos here and am referring to the outdoor patio shots. They look like snap shots to me. Perhaps the rest are more professional looking.
She’s definitely better looking than most broads but I don’t see anything incredibly engaging. Still, Victoria Hu has nothing to be ashamed of.
Sweet God! She looks just like my buddy’s Mom… hahaha! His Pop is a big sports nut. He even has a game room with the biggest HD TV I have ever seen (sob) it’s amazing. So a bunch of us go over to his parent’s house to watch games and junk… The next time, though, is gonna be AWKWARD. Even the spelling of that is awkward… haha!
Masculine? Come on now…its gotta be the athletic jersey giving off some funky masculine vibes I don’t register.
Nice natural gal. Geez…masculine, fugly…? More Met-Art.com urging me to subscribe…will this torment never end? Make it stop!!!?
She looks alright, just not in the pic that was used for this article. She may not be drop dead gorgeous but she looks alright and she does pose nude so I will continue to look at her. She looks good in the pic below.
What I don’t understand is how Met-Art features so many Eastern European dimes but the Asians that they feature are either so-so or a buttaface. There’s been a couple who I thought were hot, but I feel that Met-Art should feature more Asians that are on the level of the Caucasians that they feature.
NYC777: please use more considerate terminology to describe the models featured here than “fugly”. Take note of our posting guidelines at the bottom of the page – criticism is fine, but insults are not.
Can we all agree that there is a HUGE difference between gorgeous, pretty, fine and fugly? One may not find her beautiful, but ho here would turn her down? If you would, are you really attracted to Asian women?
Actually, I would turn her down, but that doesn’t mean I have the right to insult her. 🙂
if that’s the case, then if I wasn’t married I would certainly give serious consideration to moving to Australia (Brisbane, is it?).
Take a look at this picture and tell me how she looks masculine and not gorgeous.
She looks masculine and not gorgeous. 🙂
Ditto. Puffy face, thick waist, not at all gorgeous. If I passed her on the street, wouldn’t even give her a momentary glance. Masculine. In Shanghai she would be considered homely, not even average.
And yes, I would turn her down.
And yes oh yes oh yes, Wings, I’m highly attracted to Asian women!
nice trim.
nice chest.
I’m just glad to hear luvjgirls really, really, oh yes oh yes oh yes he most certainly is, attracted to Asian women! (except for this manly beastly looking one of course) Cause in Shanghai, she just wouldn’t cut it. I wish now, I lived in this paradise called Shanghai. Maybe, I’m not worthy enough to call such a place home though. Darn.
I guess the biggest turnoffs for me are:
– her eyes are assymetrical
– her face lacks definition ( ie. butter face to the max )
– and the lower half of her face is quite masculine. ( you could photoshop the lower half of her face onto an average male upper half and it wouldn’t look too out of place )
So…what are you trying to say, you don’t like her or something.
I admit I did not read the posting guidelines but I will choose my words more carefully the next time I post.
I will change my comment to not attractive.
Cool…and there we have it.
Ok, Ok — not gorgeous even in that photo. But unattractive? No!
Great body. Give me some more.