

Uyanga is a Mongolian model from a helpful tipster named Luk. Beyond being Mongolian, she is also currently living in Warsaw, Poland and she poses topless. If that is not enough, she also has no Tattoos. At this point she may be the most unique model ever featured on this website.


Age: 21 – almost 22 (December 2nd, 1986)
Ethnicity: Mongolian!
Height: 5’7!
Weight: 115
Located: Warsaw, Poland!

As always, if you have someone you want featured, send me an email. No promises that I will feature it, but it is better than keeping the beauty to yourself.









Her Model Page

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0 thoughts on “Uyanga”

  1. Poland…Why does she live in Poland? What’s IN Poland? It’s just seems so cold and gray there…in Poland. 😐

  2. > Why does she live in Poland?

    I can only assume that question is a joke, but usually I would expect a smile or a wink.

    Anyway, the answer is on her model page. She says that she has “been living in Poland since [she] was 11”

  3. I gotta disagree with her being the most unique model featured on here, but she is a winner that I would like to see more of if that site wasn’t giving me so many SQL errors.

    On the beach on all fours FTW!!!

  4. Love this girl. Perfect natural body. No tats…yay! The B/W shots really get me, especially the one with another woman!

    But “Most unique ever”? Aside from its being a linguistically/grammatically dubious phrase, I don’t see it.

  5. Well I for one understood your “most unique” joke Travis. Good one. And this girl is delicious. You guys have to get to Poland sometime, it is a little cold but the country is beautiful and the women….ahhh the women…maybe the most beautiful in the world. Don’t let the geography and Polish jokes fool ya.

  6. > That’s not the answer to “why.” That’s an answer to “does she.”

    TravisStroup, was that a reply to my comment? Because if it was, then it confuses me.

    If it was in response to me, then I ask why you feel that living in a place since you are a young child is not a sufficient explanation for “why” a person still lives there? What would be sufficient? A complete history of her ancestors migrations?

  7. BTW, lest anyone get the wrong idea about the “hostess” experience, it simply means doing trade shows, product promotion, etc.

    Sorry to disappoint 😉

  8. jd,

    She does look a little bit like Reon in the first picture (not a lot, IMO). It is no coincidence then, that I think that is, by far, the best picture of the set, here. Not the best picture of Uyanga, as I think it is unrepresentative of how Uyanga really looks…but the most attractive of all of them.

  9. @jd & BD…As a fan of RK: it is a stretch to compare U to her!! RK has a more “soft” look,not unattractive. This Mongolian has a “rip-it-off” attraction Reon does not invoke. Travis chose the most accurate photo of the primitive Uyanga in his original post!


    I think that Reon is MUCH softer and MUCH better looking than Uyanga. But, there is some resemblance to Reon in that first photo, with that I agree with jd. Unyaga’s face is shown in profile and partially covered.

    The last photo really shows Uyanga’s face full-on, and it has little resemblance to Reon, IMO. I don’t think she is entirely unattractive, but she is not Reon-class, by a long shot, IMO.

  11. Chill…BD! You are welcome to your IMO. AFA “much-better-lookin”??: depends on your POV. IMO…the “wild-ones” are…Grrrr!!
    (Put down your shield dude…no one’s attacking!)


    It’s all chill. I think you may have misunderstood my post, and I have done the same with yours.

    I was agreeing with you that the girls don’t look all that similar, and that Reon was much softer (and in my opinion, much prettier). And, I was agreeing with jd that, in the first picture there is a slight resemblance to Reon. But, when you see her whole face, close up (as in the last picture), there isn’t any resemblance (other than maybe the shape of their face).

    Again, in my opinion Reon is much better looking, but if you don’t agree I have no issue with that…that’s all very personal, IMO. I do agree with you that Uyanga has more of an immediate sexuality, that I understand many find very attractive.

    Viva la difference, I say.


  13. Hey Arf, that must be North Poland, huh? Next time I have Mongolian Barbeque, I’m thinking of Uyanga, the Mongolian Pole. (there’s a joke there, but I’m leaving it alone).

  14. Yeah, Travis, that’s one of them. I was also thinking about pole dancing, dancing with a Pole, kielbasa, etc.

  15. > Poland… damn near at the north pole.

    Are you trying to make a pun?

    FYI, Poland is roughly the same latitude as U.K, Ireland, Most of Germany, Brussels, and the Netherlands. Like many high latitude countries, it has quite dark winters, but very bright summers with long hours of daylight.

  16. ok BD…***TRUCE****…when the Polish photogs are finished “sanitizing” U: she will be SOFT as a kitten!

    Score any good pics of Reon lately BD?

  17. Not my type, but she’ s fine attractive woman. Haven’t heard about her somehow. Thanks for the post anyway.

  18. She should get herself on Zivity. She would get a lot of money. If the person here representing her wants an invite for her please let me know. I have a few extra left.

    BTW: I’m Polish and I’m in Japan. =]

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