Un-Bhea-lievable SAVVY Model

She’s a “Is She Hot” monthly winner so she deserves to be featured here I guess. Check her out at Savvy.com.Some facts:

Name: Bhea Cruz
Born: Philippines
Lives: Fayetteville, North Carolina
Birthday: January 10
Statistics: 33B-24-34, 5’2”, black hair, brown eyes.
Ethnicity: Filipino, Chinese and Spanish

Savvy Profile: http://friends.savvy.com/bheacruz

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0 thoughts on “Un-Bhea-lievable SAVVY Model”

  1. NICE. She’s strong.She must be givin’ them Carolina country boys fits.Betcha she’s a basketball groupie.

  2. I like her. A little more ‘p’ looking than my usual taste, but in this case I think it’s in a good way. She also has a fabulously trim and taut body!

    I might have to introduce a new rule banning bad puns in the titles of AS articles though. πŸ˜‰

  3. i have to disagree with the good doc…way too p for me and the only thing i like are the boobs…she only looks good in a few pix…of course we are talking about a very high standard here…normally i think she is plenty hot…but then you have girls like Thitima and bubble lips Japanese girl:)

  4. She’s not too p for me. Bhea is gorgeous. The long hair and tight body drives me wild. She looks about 30, but who cares. I wish I met someone like her when I was in North Carolina.

    I used to work on a military base out in the middle of nowhere, and when I would go to the store, I would see guys with their Filipino wives who were way too p for me. But then again, they weren’t mixed like Bhea is. I feel that Filipinos that are mixed are some of the most gorgeous women out there.

  5. Bhea is a stunning woman, and her implants are nicely proportioned to her other delightful curves.

  6. Very fit, beautiful and having a great age, as 26. Not too young, not too old, just right.
    And if that is not enough she’s has the filipina look and probably the sexy temper. πŸ™‚

    She worked her way through school, brave woman! And she seems to have her heart still vacant. Any takers? πŸ™‚

  7. that is ok doc..sometime you just have to stand your grounds πŸ™‚ she is pretty but only in certain pix. in other pix she doesnt look so good..just my op:)….wow i actually think she is too P but doc doesnt…just to show we all see things differently and have different taste:)

  8. I agree she doesn’t look so good in the last few pics of her gallery, but in most of them (like the one Robin posted above) I think she looks great! And I agree with Candyman – her long hair and tight body are fantastic!

  9. Bhea is looking her best in that black lingerie which are my favorite photos of her. Asian women look so much better in black. And I can’t help but emphasize that she has all of the qualities that I love in Asian women. She has a slim, tight body. Here breasts are lovely. She has long black hair which I love. When Asian women dye their hair and/or wear contact lenses, to me they do not look as sexy as someone who sticks with their natural hair/eye color. I love Asians who look natural; those are the women that I look for when I do my photo collecting. And Bhea is also on MySpace.


  10. Nice body but I’m really not fond of the face. Too bad she also suffers from IMCSF syndrome which seems to affect a lot of Filipino-Americans, though thankfully not HappySlip. πŸ™‚

  11. I believe Niklas was refering to IMSCF syndrome where a Filipino tries to elevate their pedigree by claiming to also have Spanish and Chinese ancestry.


    This is the first time that I ever heard of this syndrome. Could she suffer from this syndrome given that 1% of the population has Spanish ancestry? Probably. I am filing this one in the “Who Cares” bin. I like knowing the ethnicity of the Asian models that I look at, but I have no way of proving what they say.

  12. Thanks Candyman! It seems that Michelle Malkin is suffering from a more extreme variation of this syndrome: IMA (I’m American). πŸ˜‰

    Interesting that many Filipinos are so ashamed of their own ethnicity…

  13. I never met any Filipinos who suffered from this, so I am curious at how common it really is. It’s silly to say that you are Spanish, Chinese, and Filipino when you look 100% Filipino. Shouldn’t it be Filipino, Chinese, Spanish?

  14. Claiming spanish or chinese origin is all about gaining some social status.

    Maybe because spanish have white skin and chinese have some business reputation. The are associated to sucess, many celebrities have very light skin.

  15. Interesting that Filipinos are so ashamed of their own ethnicity…

    What type of blanket statement is this? Please preface this with ‘some Filipinos’ or ‘certain Filipinos’. Thanks.

  16. My apologies lamboap: I meant to say “many Filipinos” – I’ve corrected my comment. According to the article, it does appear to be a surprisingly widespread phenomonon – I would still like to know more about why so many Filipinos feel this way.

  17. They like to identify with the Chinese and Spanish heritage in the Philippines, as well. In the social order of the Philippines, the Chinese and Spanish families were the more wealthy and there is some prestige as well as aesthetic preference to the mix. You guys reinforce it with the “a little to much P” comments. that is a big deal over in the philippines. They dont want to percieve theselves as the malay province farmers that have the lowest status, wealth and education.

    This is no different that african americans identifying native american heritage or other socially demeaned groups looking to boost their own self estemm. It does provide some status on an individual level. In Thailand, those of Chinese ancestry look down on the Issan and in the Philippines it is the same with the Hispanic and Sino ancestry and the aboriginal people. Skin tone and ancestry still act as a social and priviledge divide in most of the world.

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