Tin Tin


This lovely young lady is the tall and leggy Tin Tin from the Netherlands. Though some of members will not be fond of her tattoos, I like them. She also has a nose piercing, which of course is my kryptonite. For more photos, visit her iStudio profile or see the photos on her websiteStats:

Age: 23
Height: 5’8
Ethnicity: ?
Located: Netherlands









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0 thoughts on “Tin Tin”

  1. Well, my first thought was that we’d already featured Tin Tin here, but this isn’t the same girl – different tats, different facial features.

    Then, after checking, I was looking at the Mongolian Tin Tin featured in April 08; this is the Chinese Tin Tin living in the Netherlands featured in January 08. Alas, this one doesn’t appear to pose nude:-(

    Still cute, though.

  2. Not drop-dead gorgeous, perhaps. Cute mouth, nice smile. But those legs are insane! Wow!

    And I kind of like the simple, traced tattoos. Enough to catch the eye and allow for expression without overwhelming anything.

  3. Nice smile.

    Well-developed website built for finding work, not vanity. She lists her requirements clearly.

    Not digging the piercings and tats, though they are unique.

  4. Ah, I thought she looked familiar! Still, the previous post was just a quickie, so I think this post is still very worthwhile.

  5. Her legs are simply amazing! I’m loving the photo of her in the gray mini leaning against the wall. Yes please!

  6. When I first saw the pics of Tin Tin I though she was just so so. But the more I look (especially in the videos) the more I appreciate her beauty. She has an understated and subtle allure that now has me hooked.

  7. this chick is gold. i say she’s thai. and she can run a few miles, which separates her from a lot of the waifs we have to sift though.

  8. Hard to tell if her legs are an illusion as she’s always pointing her toes.

    Her face, while strong and symmetrical, is rather square for print work.

    I can live with the tats, but until the last photo, I strongly suspected bad dental work due to her consistent flat line expression.

    There’s something here. Its a little different than from what we usually get.
    She’s got some calf muscle and a great back, so I’m guessing she works out quite a bit.

    Her best picture IMHO?:


    I like it, but I’m sure she’d find more work with a different portfolio.

    For callbacks, I’m guessing she is stuck in the middle on a lot of work.

    If she was just a little more toned, she’d get more fitness stuff, but there are some portfolio tweaks she could easily do to get more print work (though if she’s really 5’8″, she’s probably booked through 2012 already 😉

  9. Maybe not a 10 with the body mods (why oh why oh why, unique or not), but lovely and sexi any way you slice it.

    Question: How about a link on this site where we can all list our top 5. I think this could be an interesting exercise. I would like to see what everyone thinks.

  10. To be honest, the tats and nose piercing actually elevates my interest in Tin Tin – who I would generally find cute but not ravishing without.

  11. Most likely a pinay (filipina) not a thai girl. After all, she stars in a movie from the Philippines.

    As soon as I saw her legs on the first pic, I knew I had to see the rest. And she delivers. Great legs, pretty face with that strong jaw. Not gorgeous, but attractive. And with a sexy, healthy body.

    I’d like to meet her.

  12. Pretty Girl.
    She’s got un “je ne sais quoi…”.
    Not a 10 but she’s an attractive model : certainly due not being too skinny… so nice to see a girl with a healthy body.

  13. She may be omni-asian, then, whatever. As my wife is fond of saying “we’re mostly mutts in the Philippines, we have genes from all over.” Anyway, Tintin lights my fire, she’s very cute and refreshing.

  14. My wife too is philipina and says she doesn’t look philipina. Of course…where she’s from, would be the farthest thing from my mind if I could just have a moment or two of quality time with her. Then I would make her my very own island princess…or not.

  15. honestly i like this girl, but to be honest my girlfriend is better looking than her. I don’t say this to be down to her. I just saying this to say, why the hell are you guys not all over in China, this place is full of women that are great.

  16. Shuai…if I could come to China, I most certainly would. In a flash. I just had to get another look at Tin-Tin’s beautiful legs in that opening shot. They’ve inspired me to go work out.

  17. Travis, ok, sure from the Netherlands. But there is some asian background to her.

    I find it odd that some non-filipina would travel to Philippines to shoot some short films.

  18. I have to go against the prevailing opinion here – although her legs are fine, for my taste, they’d need to be slimmer to be worthy of the gushing comments on them here.

  19. Like very much. A great natural body, beautiful smile, great look to her overall, can be glamorous or girl next door. Don’t mind the tats at all.

  20. In a word stunning!

    Ticks every box for me, love the face, body, legs, tattoos and piercings, and she’s a stones throw from me 🙂

  21. I think they paid for her dazn. There was a whole series of these and none of the girls were Filipina. Most were Russian, among other countries. My guess is that the Philippines photographers were the ones that did the traveling.

  22. Oh I get it, Travis is talking about those movies from FTV Philippines, from the PI film school.

    Maybe they invite girls from abroad but in these movies there was no travelling, that seems a typical Philippines’ landscape. The vegetation, the clear water, man, that’s the Philippines. I miss going there now. 🙂

  23. When I retire in ten years, I have hopes of living the good life somewhere in the Philippines with the wifey on the beach.

  24. Quite possibly, but there were a bunch of other videos in these series’ and they had models from Europe, the US, etc., so in this case I’m 90ish percent sure that the models are not geographically related to the film makers.

  25. In myspace she states she was born in the uk and lives in the Netherlands now.

    And funny thing, she states in bold that she has the perfect boyfriend and doesn’t need other men in her lovelife. I bet she gets hit quite a lot, of course!

    Besides modelling she is also trying to build a DJ career, calling herself DJ Tin Tin.

  26. She is definitely using her facial expression to shake up what you see. Tats are hardly a deal breaker here, they don’t interfere with the pose. The B&W shot is definitely projecting the soul in that very seductive pose.

  27. arf, I predict the wifey will cut off your ulo (if not some other body part) shortly after your arrival in the Philippines. So, be careful what you wish for….

  28. Ooooh…Ouch! You may be correct Wings. I never said it would be easy living in the PI…with the wifey.

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