Tiara Lestar is back!

Tiara Lestar

Recently elected as Most Popular Asian Siren of 2005 Tiara Lestar seems to be back! She has a new blog entry on how she spent some time on Bali.

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0 thoughts on “Tiara Lestar is back!”

  1. Since when are light-skinned (mixed) Indonesian women NOT Asian? 😉 Watch out for my upcoming post about Indonesian models…
    And aren’t Thai women very Asian also?

  2. What is Asian looking then? Flat noses and dark skin? That is a bit short-sighted in my opinion… And what about mixed girls? 50% asian, 50% something else?

    As long as they have Asian blood and an exotic look, they are welcome on Asian-Sirens! 😉

  3. Doc, Robin and Marco,

    Hi there! Yes I am back and to quote one of my blog commentators, I am in a posting frenzy which indicates I am in a state of “a manic-depressive blogging disorder” hahaha.

    Anyway, happy new year to you all! I want to apologize for being a sophmore blogger and accidently delete your link while making some changes in the site index. Sorry boys! I still like you guys!


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