There is something quite interesting about the Miss World contest:
“Viewers all over the world will be able to cast their vote to determine the first Miss World Northern Europe, Miss World Southern Europe, Miss World Asia Pacific, Miss World Africa, Miss World Americas, Miss World Caribbean – and ultimately the overall winner of Miss World 2006.”
It would have been kind of nice if visitors/members of this blog had the chance to participate in voting for the Asia Pacific contestants. Well my vote went to Miss Vietnam, although this year’s Miss Thailand and Miss Malaysia are gorgeous too.
Some links:
Asia Pacific Contestants
Miss Vietnam’s Bio
Vote for Me – How it works
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maybe it’s the picture but i sure hate to dis my own country representative. she does not look very remarkable, probably just taller than the usual Viet girls. she seems to be a little too thick. they tend to send girls with connection with the parties to these things. i have seen a lot better girls in Saigon. too bad they wont ever get a chance 🙂
I’m happy to say that the Miss Vietnam in the links doesn’t look anything like the introductory pic! Where did you get that pic from Kanyer? Are you sure it’s her? If it is, the most beautiful women in the world deserve a far better representative than this!
This is definitely not a very flattering pic. She looks like Miss 1986. I agree with the above comments; there are far more beautiful women than this. No disrespect.
There’s not been an attractive “Miss Vietnam” in recent memory.
More photos of this year’s winning bidder:
It is sad but Thailand has the same problem. So many beautiful girls and they usually pick one who is not very pretty. Main criteria are speaks English and from a family with a big name.
Wow that introductory pic is bad. Miss Vietnam is cute though. I wouldn’t kick Miss Thailand out of bed, but I know that they could have found someone better looking than her.
I hear that Cambodia is banning beauty contests and this Miss Cambodia may be the last.
nice boobs though..
what is up with miss indo…?…no bikinis? i think it has something to do with islam :(….sure puts a damper on the whole thing huh?
what i say about vietnam is true. usually it is someone with connections that gets to go to the pageants. too many good ones left behind…really good ones! newswork ! 🙂
Was picked because she’s tall? I don’t know. Good for Cambodia because that contestant is a man in drag.
Yeah, there’s no nice way to say this – Miss Cambodia has some of the worst facial surgery I’ve ever seen.
The representation of Vietnamese women in the media saddens me. It’s not just these beauty pageants, but the import modlels etc. Many ordinary Vietnamese women are just so much more beautiful than these girls.
doc.: you bet ya.:) you should make to saigon sometime. the scenery is simply amzing. go to some of the niteclubs in district one. you will leave with your jaw dropped to your feet:)
I’m afraid to go there – I don’t know if I could ever leave. 😉
wow what a fantastic looking lady more please
Miss Mongolia is a lanky 5’10” and is into nomadic style horse riding but still looks great in an evening gown. Her video shows that she speaks English beautifully. It doesn’t get any better than that, guys.
how about miss sri lanka. maybe i’m weird, but she is hot. like i said, maybe i’m weird.
I’d only think you were wierd if you liked Miss Cambodia. 😉
Miss Mongolia is so hot. Does any one know any Mongolian sites? I want to see more women like her….
I am partial to Miss China but Sri Lanka and Mongolia are quite striking too. Miss Vietnam looks better in her bio pics. I like that the audience gets to vote instead of some stale old fashion pros or some such ex-celebs.
Miss Mongolia is stunning, tall, lean, fresh face, nice legs, nice bikini shot too..Miss Cambodia however…how did she even make it there…
My vote goes for Miss Hong Kong.
Mizz India freakin’ rocks!!! Yaowzah!!! 😛
I have a confession…I love the Asian ladies but my favs would have to be the dark-haired, copper-skinned, doe-eyed Indian/Mediterranian melt-in-my-mouth hotties! 😛 So dang yummy!
She gets my vote. Twice.
good god…you can’t fight Ms. India — http://nowrunning.com/cgi-bin/uploadedImagesNR/9302006114902AM.jpg
// comment edited because of lay-out problems
Sorry dudes….just read that some Czech bimbo, Tatana (Miss Northern Europe) won the Miss World 2006.
Bah. Just another big titted blonde chick.
p.s. — Romania came second, Australia third.
Austrialia also won the ‘Miss Asia Pacific’ contest.
Asia Pacific Semi-Finalists: Australia – India – Vietnam.
Hmmm…how can a white chick win the ‘Asia Pacific’ category?!?!
(apologies for the 90 posts in a row!)
A white chick can win the ‘Asia Pacific’ category because Australia (and New Zealand) are in the Asia Pacific! Given the bias of the judges of these pageants toward white girls, we Aussies often win this category.
EXACTLY what I’m saying!
There are 15 nations in the “Asia Pacific” category and the only caucasian wins the thing! And it’s only because of the location of her country!
Aussies should be lumped together with the Northern European contestants since that’s where they are derived from (England & Wales).
I know! I know! Then a black/asian/hispanic woman shouldn’t be allowed to win Miss America! bah!
It’s just plain wierd that a white woman would win what is basically an all-Asian beauty contest.
(btw….miss world 2006 is going to be fat when she gets older.)
Dr. Lee: white chicks can win Asia Pacific Cat? FIXED!!!! :)))…ha ha j/k
I wish Vietnam would pick better girls for the pageants. They always send these mediocre girls….
So do I – this is one occasion when I’d like to see Australia get a whippin’! Unless we send a gorgeous Asian babe ourselves (we’ve got plenty of ’em). 😉
in this case, for the next contest the asian countries should start sending the EURASIANS girls…
Umm, the Aussie girl who won is not “white” by most definitions: she is not descended from Europeans. Her father is Lebanese and her mother is Indian. So in fact she is 100% Asian! At any rate she has an exotic look that exonerates the judges of any bias favoring Northern European types.
Another tidbit: Miss Netherlands is at least 1/2 Filipina.
One question I have is how Kazakhstan got into the “Northern European” category.
I thought she looked pretty exotic! We’re a real cultural melting pot here, so she’s an appropriate representative for us.
Interestingly, women of Indian descent have done well in these pageants in the past. So I guess it isn’t really accurate to say they have a pro-cascasian bias – they simply have an anti-oriental bias! (To the Asian Americans reading this – here’s an example of where no word other than ‘oriental’ will do.)
I say we run our own contest: Miss Asian Siren!
lawnboy… or any male species with aesthetically impaired vision or simply a dick head… miss vietnam/mai phuong thuy possesses a sublime beauty with an IT quality factor to her… she exudes a sweet, earthy sensuality… she is a vision & is simply pulchritudinous… and i am one fine vietnamese bewitching bitch… none of the asian bitches that appear in this blog has any authentic, exquisite beauty… the chosen miss world 2006 is plain, typical… nothing alluring… wtf… miss vietnam should have been placed higher… beauty is a bitch…
we are free to express our opinion here with out getting personal. to each his own taste. so why the hostility? you can have your own opinion and i can have mine and mine is Miss Vietnam does not represent the best of what Vietnam can offer to these contests.
Okay, I had to edit lawboy’s last comment and delete fugly’s last comment completely. Please keep it civil guys!
fugly, your original comment is borderline, and I can understand why lawboy was offended by it. I think most of us would agree that Miss Vietnam is far superior to Miss World, but many of us think there are many even more beautiful Vietnamese women than Mai Phuong, that’s all.
I also think you are bound to offend our readers when you say “none of the asian bitches that appear in this blog has any authentic, exquisite beauty”. While I would personally agree that there a lot of Vietnamese women who are more beautiful than many of the women featured here, to say none of the ‘bitches’ featured here are beautiful is both unfair and unreasonable.
You say you are a Vietnamese beauty yourself (if I’m reading you correctly). If so, can you show us? Mind you, your writing certainly doesn’t give the impression of beauty – true beauty is more than skin deep.
sorry good doctor…and also to ms. fugly…please show your pics, we would all love to see what you look like. the more babes the better….
mind you, that i think ms. vietnam is beautiful in her own right, i just think there are a lot better looking women in vietnam that should have a chance to compete on the world stage in these pageants. they just never get a chance because they dont have the connections. again, sorry for the language. if you want to call me lawnboy you sure can, just show us what you look like 🙂
i love it that girls check out this blog, too. 🙂
even ones who talk trash. 🙂
The problem with “beauty” contests is that not all the most beautiful women enter. There are super-hotties out there right now who won’t win Miss World because they don’t want to be beauty pagent contestants. So really, all the winning girl represents is a small slice of the girl-pie that’s out there. Take a bite and enjoy or eat a doughnut instead.
i’ll eat that donut 🙂
by all me…please post a pix of your self Fugly. we would love to see a hot viet chick and please some skins 🙂 if you do this, I will let you call me any names you want :))
IMHO Mai Phuong Thuy is a very beautiful woman. The photo above is not representative of her. Check out her photos on Flickr to get a better idea of what she looks like.
Thanks hapahowlie! It does seem as though Kanyer chose one of her worst photos for this article, although I don’t think she looks great in a bikini in any of her shots.