One of the best films I saw this year was Babel. One of the storylines takes place in Japan. A deaf-mute girl is struggling with her place in modern Japanese society. The girl, Chieko, is played by Rinko Kikuchi. A little research led me to a bunch of photos of this young Japanese actress, and I was surprised to see how different she looked on all of them. More info and some clips in

Some facts
Name: Rinko (Yuriko) Kikuchi
Date of birth: January 6,1981
Place of Birth: Kanagawa, Japan
Ethnicity: Japanese
Height: 5’5” (168cm)
Weight: 105.8lbs (48kg)
Eyes: brown
Hair: black
Some Links
Rinko Kikuchi @ imdb.com
Rinko Kikuchi @ anore.co.jp (official site)
Rinko Kikuchi @ wikipedia.org
Babel short clip
Babel long clip
Babel film trailer
Ohw, and for those who are wondering, yes, she does appear completely naked in the movie. But since it’s a very dramatic movie, I don’t think it is a real turn on…
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I Like her. Very cute.
In the bottom 2 pictures of the 4 pic group she looks like a white woman.
she is hot! and a great actress. robin, you have excellent taste, as always.
when is someone gonna post nakama yukie? 🙂
Not doing it for me. But that’s the beauty of…uh, beauty. It’s in my eye, or something.
I’m with Curtis G. on this one – nicely put! 😉
I guess her beauty is in her smile and she is very serious up there.
I just wish she would stop with the weird hairdos… 🙂
Well, I didn’t say she was my type (I think most of you know my type ;-)), but sometimes it’s just interesting to post succesfull Asian actresses! 🙂
robin..i like your type…what a dream team…
Thanks 🙂 I also have an actress top 5.
dude, we should hang..it seems like you and i have the same tastes…nice collection…i love ziyi…so innocent yet so bad 😉
having the same taste in women usually makes it hard to go out together… 😉
hope she wins an academy award