When I started with Tera Patrick Revealed many years ago, there wasn’t much info on this Thai/English adult film star.
Nowadays she has official websites at clubtera.com and terapatrick.com, has her own videostore at reignoftera.com and just recently started her own agency (via: AVN).
Needless to tell you that Tera is making millions these days with her career.
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Just found some nice picture galleries of Tera Patrick at badgirlsblog:
Has Tera had a another boob job? Her tits look bigger (and nicer) in this shot than I remember.
Tera is Hot
Tera riding the sybian on the Howard Stern Show

http://rapidshare.de/files/18947385/TeraPatrick_HowardStern-Sybian.zip 93.36 MB
so whether the busty breast she have now is artificial. maybe she never got them before she is an AV .
such a shame tera got breast implants
she was a vison of perfection beforehand
now she looks like just another model who jumped on the fake boob bandwagon
but why ???….she was perfect beforehand !!???
Tera Patrick will be at Book Soup in West Hollywood, CA on January 6th, 2010 at 7:00 PM. Cum to 8818 Sunset Blvd. to have a good time.
I just bought my plane tickets tonight after reading this good news. Can’t wait to meet her. 😉
Not really.