Swanky is NOT the name of the model above, but of the photographer I found at flickr. Swanky lives in the city of Taipei, which is a rather crowded city in Taiwan. He is currently a student, majoring in computer sciences. But he is also a photographer, but not a professional one. The model above is Daphny. There are 205 photos of her.
Well, Swanky may not be a professional, as he himself states in his profile, but his portraits of Asian ladies look fantastic. Check out his flickr selection.
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Oh yeah! She’s hot. Makes me happy. Yes she does.
she’s a cuty.
I’m interested in seeing some trim however
looking at Swankys photos reinforces my opinion that Asian girls are the *only* ones who should ever even attempt this Cosplay thing.
i like the slightly chubby face of this girl.
I should stop the inevitable and move to some city like Taiwan.
She has great legs too.
Cool photos. Nice ladies. I’m jealous.
yea shes definitely cute!
she is very sweet and her lovely smiles could make other girls jealous.
now you are being too nice :)….nice thighs….:)