This will be my last blog posting for Asian Sirens due to a disagreement over editorial policy. I have enjoyed blogging for Asian Sirens but it is time to move on. I have just registered AznDivas.com but for now it redirects to a Yahoo Group that will act as a mailing list for those who wish to be notified when the site officially launches. I don’t expect there to be much overlap between AznDivas.com and Asian Sirens and will do my best to ensure that. In some cases, I may link to entries on Asian Sirens that I personally recommend checking out.The model that I leave you with is Kim Lai who I had the pleasure of photographing as seen in the above photograph. While I enjoy many of the popular models, I have strived to promote models in the past on the cover of my Asian Divas Yahoo Group that were not well known. Kim Lai was one of those past cover models. I hope to feature such models more prominently on AznDivas.com but will also feature more established models and actresses as well that are not featured on Asian Sirens.
Once again, I hope that you decide to join my AznDivas.com launch notification mailing list. I will not send any Special Notices or messages from that group until the site is launched.
Lastly, I wish Asian Sirens continued success!
Badboy, I’m sorry to hear that you leave Asian Sirens but I understand it. I wish you good luck with AznDivas and I definitely will visit it.
Thanks for everything!
Hey Badboy, thanks for the great postings here. Good luck with your own sites!
Whoah, I definitely like this one too! She has a beautifully toned stomach and quite a cute face. It seems you’ve saved the best for last!
Anyway badboy, good luck with you future endeavours.
Sorry to see you go. You know my feelings about this… You are always welcome to return. All the best.
Hi Badboy, hate to see you go, I loved your post, but I understand. Anyway I just joined Azn Divas yahoo group. Take care
Good luck Badboy! Sorry to see you go…but life goes on and I know we’ll still be seeing great things from you!
Thanks everyone for all the comments! They are truly appreciated.