Shanghai Seduction

Shanghai billboard

One of the many Shanghai Seductions (as seen through the lens by me). You get used to it after a little while, but still, it would be nice if we would see more of these billboards in the west. And by ‘these’ I don’t mean the size! 😉

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0 thoughts on “Shanghai Seduction”

  1. Agreed i live in Beijing and see them all the time but back home in LA i never see anything like this. **shakes head in disappointment** Ah well GOD BLESS ASIA!!

  2. About 4 years ago, I was a foreign male body (shaved head and tattoos) grabbed off the street and tossed into a photo shoot with this gal. She was nothing like this Billboard image here; more of a wholesome, natural beauty, about 1.78 and super slim.

    Her name is Tong Cheng Jie. My industry contacts tell me she just had a baby by some famous Chinese soccer, er, football player. The word is she’s gone from sweet up and coming model to arrogant fashion superstar. Imagine.

    Frankly, this billboard does nothing for me, as she looks like just about every other high maintenance, materialistic Shanghai ho trolling for a moneyed husband or boyfriend.

    Shanghai has become so ‘glam’ saturated. Girls with this billboard look are like wall paper. However, slowly, there’s a move afoot where natural, low-key beauty is becoming somewhat of a minor trend, practiced by neo-bohemian café goers. I’m all for it.

    Still, this is women’s city driven by unrestrained sexual energy, where the Dragon ladies will forever ply their trade. And the hookers will do okay too.

  3. I think she looks hideous. Is that what glamour looks like in China these days? Looks like a ladyboy.

  4. A shame to have to say this about the first comment posted on our new server, but your comment is too much luvjgirls. You are free to express your opinion (I don’t find her attractive at all either), but please do so in a more respectful way than just saying “she looks hideous”.

  5. Yes shockr. I just gave a very clear warning not to use this kind of language, and you just went right on ahead and used it yourself in the next comment! This is totally unacceptable – do this again and your membership will be suspended.

  6. As shockr was effectively pre-warned, I think this effectively counts as two strikes. I left luvjgirls comment intact as an example – I think it is highly unikely that the model in question will see this, so I felt it was safe to do so in this case. Normally I would have edited luvjgirls’ comment too, however.

  7. new..i hope pataya is better…a little bird told me it is a lot more fun and affordable in pataya unlike bangkok:)

  8. pattaya is just as crawling with hoes as bangkok is. maybe they are cheaper; i don’t know; i don’t ever go there, or pay for sex… 🙂

  9. Newworks,

    I was in BKK last year, traveling with a pretty cute Shanghai girl. We went out for a night of drinking and dancing and made the scene at Bed and Q Bar. My Shanghai gal in a subtle way thinks she’s all that, but was totally intimidated by the talent at both places. And I have to say, with each drink, my head was increasingly on a swivel.

    Naturally, I was impressed because it wasn’t my turf (and I was not paying for drinks). In the end, my gal pal saw fit to prove her worth that night.

    Days later things were back to normal and she was giving me a f**** headache.

  10. haha! qbar and bed are definitely oozing with enough babes to give you a bad case of whiplash. 🙂

    but fyi: qbar is also well-known for being at least 50% “freelancers” (the kind of babe that “isn’t a prositute” but still wants money for going home with you). bed is better, but you have to be picky at both places, because, well… this is bangkok. like i said, i prefer “legit” girls.

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