Rose Chin is one of those rare models who from the minute of seeing a couple of her photos I was entranced. Trouble being to I found her on Flickr with little more info to go on than her first name. After some detective work however, finally put a full name and background to the face. Only to find she’s been posted on before here at AS a few years back!
Unsurprising really that such a beauty wouldn’t go unnoticed by the team here, however as she’s such a stunner I think she’s worth a repost.
Age: 22
Height: ???
Ethnicity: Han Chinese
Located: Changchun
Rose Chin @ Facebook
Rose Chin @ Twitter
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Wow, anytime, anyplace, anywhere. One of the best, I’m in lust.
Wow is right, every picture just gets better. She has a sexy innocence about her with all the curves in the right place.
OMG what a nice find, very beautiful from head to toe!! My fav pic is the 4th one with the black lingerie!!
For sure my favorite post in quite some time. Somehow missed the first time, but glad not this time.
Hm… Well I’ll dissent. I like her legs, but she looks fairly average to me. I even dated someone that looked like her awhile back (although her legs were not nearly as stunning). I don’t dislike her by any means, but I don’t see the remarkableness.
I like her body, but her face isn’t really to my taste – her jaw is a little too square, and her eyes look kind of vacuous. A little too “bimbo” looking for me – I like women who look (and are) intelligent. I know a Chinese girl who looks very much like this, and she’s one of the most sexual girls I’ve met. And I know that a lot of guys (especially on the internet) really like the “sexual bimbo” type. Still, I won’t pretend that I’d say no myself!
Is she hot or is she not? That is the question. Realistically, I think she’s pretty hot, but the photography is not helping and she needs to lose the panty hose.
she almost looks a little cross eyed or something but the hottest cross eyed chick i’ve seen! lol
Yes, I think she is a little cross-eyed – not uncommon for Asian girls in my experience. And I feel on many of them it looks cute!
Is there a term for loving a girl from below neck and down? Luv her long hair and the body but like Doc, I’m passing on the face.
Oh yes, I forgot to mention her hair. Lovely!
Hidy Ho, there are plenty of terms for that but they’ll get you censored or banned here:-p
I am not usually a fan of the squared jaw look, but I love her eyes, nose and smile, so I would definitely make an exception in her case. Not to mention those legs, mmmmmmmmmm.
ummmm… I was drooling until picture 7.
What happened THERE????? Did somebody enlarge her head in photoshop?
Picture 8 has me drooling again, but a bit more nervously……
Hot body, dead eyes.
She’s really quite something i think. Nice work Travis if you’re dating girls in her league!
How do you say perfect in Han Chinese (Mandarin)?
I tried “perfect” in Chinese (traditional) and got 完善. Translated backwards it became “consummation.” Which was just fine because consummating with her was the first thing on my mind.
Then tried ‘perfection’ and got 完美 which seemed to work better. Either way, that’s what I think of Miss Chin.
(translated using http://babelfish.yahoo.com/ )
She certainly is leggy. I like her breasts in the second pic from the bottom wearing the lingerie.
Gadzooks! What a beauty!
More of an ‘update’ on Rose than a ‘repost’ I think, as the links from 2007 don’t seem to work anymore, and there was only one pic to go on.
She certainly gets better looking as she ages.
wow…DO you think she wants MONEY? The Benzes, the heavy make-up, accessories, the refusal to walk (leggy, yes but we’re talking bamboo poles here).
I’d be happy if she moved in next door though.
I’d be hoping her rides kept breaking down.
As Travis said – a true stunner !
It appears I’m a month behind
Hoping you’re not unkind
I’ve been on the road
With a quite heavy load
That’s life with the daily grind.
Now I like this lady named Rose
As far as her eyes – who knows?
If she can’t see a lick
Then she won’t notice my dick
And how little it really grows!
Welcome back dbldipper! Where have you been?
Unfortunately though, your last few lines were borderline. 🙂
Doc – been around. China for one, and I’m sure you’ll see some comments later about “red sweater” and “hot pants.” Man, what phenomenal women there.
Borderline? Just “artistic license.”