Riku Hinano


I’m featuring Riku Hinano for fun today. She’s not the most stunning Japanese model, or that unique, but what I thought was funny is that she started her career as a standard model, before apparently turning into the Kogal model you see above, and the adjustment is so substantial that it’s kind of funny to see. On to the pictures!Stats:

Age: ?
Height: ?
Ethnicity: Japanese
Located: Japan









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0 thoughts on “Riku Hinano”

  1. She’s not perfect, but I’ll take this girl over the last one any day, and she’s a little freak which is an added bonus.

  2. I think she did good with her career move. I love the tanned look. You guys already know I’m a fan of the tanned south east asians, and her looks have some similarity.

  3. It looks like she’s had a Caesarian. I wonder if she became tanned to help cover up the scar?

    Anyway, I definitely prefer her pre-kogal – I really don’t think tans suit Japanese girls.

  4. Oh My!…this is everything I could ever want in a girl. Love them legs and cute breasts and the tan too.

  5. @nemesis: they will try to do it that way, but I don’t think it’s always possible for various reasons. Whatever the cause of her scar though, she certainly has one.

  6. I feel weird looking are her naked photo…she looks soooooo young lol but she is cute. I love her big eyes

  7. I vote for pre-Kogal — that tan’s a bit too much for me. Her breasts are a bit droopy also.

    Still, a nice change of pace, thanks.

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