Ri Minsu


Ri Minsu is a Met-Art girl from a while back that has some of the weirdest facial expressions. She seems cute, but many of the photos she was making unusual faces, and it made for some funny shots. Below, however, I chose some of the better works. You can find the funny ones on your own.Stats:

Age: ?
Height: ?
Ethnicity: Japanese?
Located: ?













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0 thoughts on “Ri Minsu”

  1. It says she is Japanese bu that picture 4 isn’t that a chogori. She has a definite Korean vibe about her. Obviously the name is Japanese but I wonder…. Anyhow, she is different and stands out because of her facial expressions. I like

  2. Hey Travis, your link isn’t working (I just had to try it). 😉

    As for Ri, she looks Japanese enough to me (I certainly don’t see Korean), but I find her fairly unremarkable.

  3. “…like most Japanese, obviously no exercise in her life.”

    What? Most people in most countries do not exercise. But there are many gyms across Japan filled with people who work out regularly. My Japanese ex is a fanatic about keeping in shape. Millions of Japanese walk, probably the most popular form of exercise. Many run. Etc.

    Anyway, the statement is off base and we should avoid such sweeping generalities.

  4. On the second shot down from Met-Art, it says beautiful Models from Vietnam. I like her body alot, but there’s something about her eyes I’m just not sure about. She’s not bad at all, just a bit whacky looking.

  5. The name suggests she’s of (North) Korean descent, possibly Zainichi. The surname Lee is often spelt and pronounced Ri in North Korea and Minsu is a Korean name, though possibility Japanese too. She doesn’t look particularly Korean though, definitely looks Japanese.

  6. If you live in Japan you don’t have to exercise. Food is ridiculously expensive and portions are small. Not to mention most of them commute to work and get their exercise inadvertantly.

  7. Since food very expensive and portions are small, how about sex. Is it very expensive also or very cheap? If it is very cheap, better they eat sex. It is better for health.

  8. Well, she’s definitely not Italian or Polish. As far as what Asian ethnicity she is, I wouldn’t place any bets. And yes, i have some exercise moves for her………

  9. The feet are the last thing i would notice, and if the rest is good enough, snaggle toes would be fine. BTW, what are doing looking at your wife’s friend’s feet? That’s a good way to get little arf decapitated.

  10. She does seem to have trouble finding a relaxed facial expression. Poses are goofy, but she is cute. Def has a great bum. Seems every Asian girl I have met comes with big feet, or is the feet thing a fetish.

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