Priscilla F is a lovely young model from London. I love her smile and her eyes. I am also curious if she has an English accent. I hope so. I am going to imagine she has an accent. Full portfolio here.Stats:
Age: 24
Height: 5’3
Ethnicity: ?
Located: London, UK

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Good Lord she’s hot!
I love that pinay-asian-innocence look.
You have done VERY well today, wise Travis.
She just made me say Oh Oh OH MY GOD!
“She just made me say Oh Oh OH MY GOD!”
She just made me say “holy crap, there really IS a god!”.
Fantastic. My favorite in quite a while.
Great find Travis.
This girl has a very versatile look – so much so that I’m not sure exactly what she looks like! I wasn’t taken with the cover photo at all, but I like all the others here, especially the last one. Ultimately though, I suspect she is a healthy, attractive girl – she just has one of those faces that can really be transformed with different makeup, which is a very useful attribute for a professional model.
Pure eye candy…
This girl is really attractive… would be icing on the cake if, as Travis mentionned, an english accent could be heard from her.
jaba how do you know she’s a pinay? I’m not sure, her looks aren’t giving me the full vibe.
Also, her face looks gorgeous in some pics, just ok in others. But overall, she’s hot and attractive, kind of girl that keeps me interested.
My my. Well she certainly is an adorable little thing.
Good job, Travis.
An asian girl with a British accent is so hot. I’m hoping she has the accent as well. I think this girl is very attractive.
Luscious lips, really sweet smiles,
very sexy look in these poses and….and….and I am dribbling on the keyboard again.
The next to last picture is wonderful. Love the hair, but the rest do little for me.
A stunning little thing that is what she is! I also think she is pinay as well – an exquisite sample to be sure.
danzlover: Its just one of those things that jumps out….if I”m wrong, oh well, if I’m right, oh well…..Don’t make a difference, as long as the girl is PHAT (Pretty Hot And Tempting) and GORGEOUS like Priscilla F and many other girls on this site.
pretty damn hot
Oh. My. Goodness. Great work, Travis. That is a gorgeous young lady.
Wow. I’m kind of shocked that Priscilla is garnering as much positivity as she seems to be. She has very luscious lips and a cute figure but beyond that I find her rather forgettable.
Cute, but nothing to write home about.
sevendeuce, it’s because she has a very high level of cuteness. 😉
And cuteness does the body good…plus I just wrote home about this sexy little number. Mom’s gonna be proud. 😉
daznlover: We see bucket loads of cuteness on this website and, in my estimation, she doesn’t even rank. ^^;;
arf: You must write home a lot then! 😛
I think I’m in “LUST” !!
She’s definitely at least part pinoy, I know because I am married to one and I know what all her beautiful friends look like as well 🙂
This girl has lots of personality in that pretty face and I would really enjoy many more pictures from her. Works for me.
Those people that don’t care for this model are most likely among those who just don’t find the pinoy look cute. Many don’t find the Thai look cute either. But viva la difference.
The fifth picture is a classic pose for a pinoy girl… I don’t know how anybody could NOT find that cute, but hey, whatever floats the boat. Look at that skin color. I find this color to be the sexiest skin tone in the world. It’s found on a number of Asian heritages but it is very common on the Filipinas.
Filipino women are always thinking that they should highlight their hair. I prefer it naturally jet black. But her skin tones might make me a believer that sometimes that can work.
Note also the eyebrows are drawn in… they seldom have full eyebrows so they shape them the way they want with pencils. They usually have nice lashes but incomplete eyebrows 🙂 Aside from that they need no makeup and have amazing smooth skin. The cupid’s bow lips are also a trademark… maybe their cutest facial feature.
Sorry, I meant the sixth picture.. the fifth is black and white. oops.
I happen to agree with Jaba at least as far as her pinay heritage goes. She’s quite cute, petite, and appears to have better than average legs for a filipina. I think she’s definitely a keeper.
i like i lke. niiiiiiiiiice. so sweet and sexy looking. and definitely diggin that she’s pinay. mmmm mmmm mmmmmmmmmm.
Why does everyone think she looks Pinay (I think that is the correct spelling for a female, male form is Pinoy).
I think she looks more Vietnamese.
BTW: am I crazy or does she sort of remind anyone of Carolyn Savage?
Pinay, Vietnamese, whatever, she is very luscious. I agree with luvasianwimin that the 6th picture is great.
luvasianwimin, why do you say sixth pic is a pinay classic? Pretty regular to me. And i’ve seen thousands of pinay pics, nothing special there. For my eyes. 🙂
3rd and last pic give me something to doubt about, but other pics sure look more from a pinay, i agree there.
Even if she is very slim now, if she is a pinay, she can fatten a lot in her mid 20s, it’s their build.
daznlover is right, there is a tendency to devlop the pinay belly bulge, while everything else remains fairly slim. However, as with most things, this isn’t absolute. At least 2 of my wife’s sisters are still very thin all around after 9 and 3 kids respectively.
To be fair, I’ve gained a fair belly bulge myself since my mid-twenties (especially since quitting smoking).
Also, I wouldn’t mind giving Priscilla a belly bulge of her own (heh, heh, heh).
taken the next plane out!
I guess she’s Filipina
9 kids, why do they keep on that? It’s a strange vision to be in the Philippines and watch the astounding number of kids in schools.
They are around 70 millions, mostly poor, and keep having kids like there’s no tomorrow…
Oh wait but the Catholic church tells them that procriation is the right thing to do.
My wife said that they have only family planting, not family planning:-)
Also, I’ve noticed (at least in my wife’s family) that the average number of children is decreasing. Don’t forget, though, that their average life span is shorter than in more developed countries. My wife has lost 4 brothers and one sister.