My column this week was on the Indonesian governments decision to outlaw pornography on the internet. Which as the above picture of Indonesian beauty Diah clearly demonstrates is unfortunate. By the same token in many cases ‘outlawing internet pornography’ is about as effective as a legless guard dog. Full story here.
And not to be a killjoy – a few more pictures of Diah (including a link to the full size one that I use for my desktop) in More.

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Full Size Image 3
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dark and exotic… π
So nude is now porn in Indonesia? Me confused!
This is so ridiculous, just as it was when Thailand did the same thing. What’s interesting about Indonesia is that Islam is clear about such things, however the people still look at porn and nothing is being done about the sex industry that is going on in Indonesia. And Playboy is not okay but Maxim is okay. That makes no damn sense.
The ban won’t do anything because if a person wants porn, they’ll find a way to get it despite their government/religion.
Right now in Indonesia, people are protesting the film by Geert Wilders. For some reason the Dutch keep pissing off Muslims around the world. Anyway, it’s amazing how they will protest this film that is seen as Anti-Islamic but do nothing about the things that are going on in their own country that I consider are against Islam. I’m just glad that I don’t live there.
Exotic and darker asians just do it for me.
Here are more large-size images http://tinyurl.com/32j8kb
Wow, she is hot, she kind of looks like a stripper I met. Haven’t read the article yet but sure probably not going to like what Indonesia is doing.
I love dark skin Asians too so here’s more Diah for ya.
Most Dutch ppl don’t like the Fitna movie guy Geert Wilders. And most Dutch ppl don’t hate muslims. But I’m glad to say most Dutch ppl think nudity is just fine! π
After reading the article, it’s not just muslim extremeists that have a problem with nudity, but any of the abrahamic (Christianity, Judhisiam, Islam) extremeists have a problem with nude and porn (and to all extremeists, I am a Christian and don’t have a problem with porn or nudity). With these extremeists they surpress the people of sex (if that makes sense) so sex trade is going to exist, and that’s usually run by the extremeists, per Hollywood.
… Though I’m Indonesian, I love nude. it’s the greatest art in my point of view.Specially Asian..just like the Diah above. I love this blog site.. I view it everyday.. so don’t close my favorite site.
I meant to put a smiley face by that Dutch comment but all religious extremists need to stop making porn the problem because it’s not. People like sex so why suppress that. Is it really wrong to look at porn when so many people defy their government or religion to look at it? And prostitution should be legal. π
Pornography is not the problem:
Organized religion is the problem!
How many wars have been fought, because of pornography? None? Oh.
How many wars have been fought, because of differing religious beliefs? Most of them? hmmmm.
Why pick on just the Dutch? While it’s true Islamic fanatics murdered Van Gogh’s nephew because they didn’t like his views, it was a Danish paper that published the cartoon that launched so much anger & deadly rioting. Muslims rioted in Nigeria because a newspaper columnist said Muhammed would have approved of beauty pageants.
While I deplore sex-phobia, violence, and fanaticism by any religion (and all the major religions have their sex-hating fundamentalist wackos), how come these days when someone is offended it’s always Muslims who go Medieval on the rest of us, blaming us for all their problems?
Censoring porn and controlling people’s sexuality is and always has been an effective and potent means for mind control, as sexuality is so central to the core of our identity.
she is very nice. looks cute and natural. less porn is probably a good thing but eliminating it all together reeks of totalitarianism. not everyone is religious and offended.
Very cute.
Indonesia’s real tough on nudity, tougher than Thailand. Thailand is more of a token toughness, they break their own rules hourly.
I like the comments. Didn’t mean to rile you Candyman, but I like the points you make. π
Yes, Robin, there is a debate on the “art” value of nudes and just how far the ban will reach.
I agree wholeheartedly will all the comments about religious fundamentalism (of any strain), is a bad thing for sex.
In fact I am considering writing a column this week on the Philippines debating sex education simply because the Catholics think it shouldn’t be talked about.
I’ll keep you posted. π
Oh, and yes – ‘dark and lovely’ – that’s why she is my desktop wallpaper!
Itβs cool Bill. I wasnβt riled but I do get riled up over certain topics because I am a passionate person and thatβs how I write. Nudity and pornography are two different things and I think Diah is a work of art, but you will have those who wonβt see it that way and that is a shame.
And when will these religious organizations realize that not talking about sex or only preaching abstinence does not work? I think Catholics do the same thing in Africa instead of educating girls who are at the most risk of contracting AIDS. And the Bush administration has been doling out millions to abstinence programs that have not worked and just makes teens more inclined to have sex. Teens are going to have sex regardless and not educating them just makes things worse.
I wholeheartedly agree with the comments that there is nothing wrong with porn, nudity, sex or prostitution, and that there is a whole lot wrong with organised religion. They use sexual suppression to control people, so men’s sexual frustration builds until it explodes into violence – the most extreme modern version of this of course is fundamentalist Islam, where the women are covered up and the men are kept virgins, so that they kill themsleves to get 63 guaranteed f***s in the next life. Religions suppress sex to make men go to war for them.
BTW, Bill’s interview with Sachiko has a lot of interesting info on this issue, from a Chinese and Japanese perspective.
I second that… dark and lovely.
I pity for my indonesian brothers (of human species) who enjoy nudity and porn… But they will find a way to appreciate nude women, there’s always a way.
I saw no any problems in nudity. We didn’t either.
Only for politician has problem, why? Because there is no nude girls while they are in a meeting. That is the problem.
When someone wants to be taken pictures in naked, it’s his or her rights.