Playboy’s College Girls

Magazine alert!

Christina Linehan (Thai/Irish) and Kimberley Kiona (Chinese) are featured in Playboy’s College Girls June/July 2006.
(Kimberley reminds me of a model we once featured, but she had a different name… Can’t seem to find her… hmmmm :-|)

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0 thoughts on “Playboy’s College Girls”

  1. I wish I had money for College and Implants.

    (I’d take the implant money and build a new PC and fly my gilrfriend out)

  2. Doc is about to comment about those implants in 5, 4, 3…

    are they real college students, or just claim to be such? pretty much every girl in import scene is a “student”, as are all korean bar girls in NYC. hehe.

  3. Bigstusexy – that’s a classic line. Her Daddy REALLY loves her! What a great high school graduation present. Or maybe she’s majoring in stripping.

    In case some of you outside the US don’t know, it turns out many of these ‘college’ girls never really attended the named school. Sometimes they briefly attended and dropped out; other times they applied but weren’t accepted. Some I think just drove by the school and that was good enough for Playboy. No complaints here.

  4. Oh I know the whole “college student” thing, and my first thought was how to afford booth but I took the second route of not caring and just wanting the money 😛

  5. is this college student???

    wow….. i’m colege too but there is no one like this in my colege…

    i like it!!!1

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