Philippine TV Network Takes Down Sharon Sotto Clip

Sharon Sotto

To my knowledge, Filipina import model Sharon Sotto is not affiliated with Philippine TV network ABS-CBN. Apparently, ABS-CBN thinks they own everybody. They just took down a YouTube clip of the model.

Once again, ABS-CBN frivolously takes down a YouTube clip they don’t own. I’d like to remind ABS-CBN management that DMCA takedown notices require sworn statements. They may well be committing multiple acts of perjury, acts for which they may someday be held accountable. I’m sure the EFF would love to make that happen.

Surely having some dumb intern do indiscriminate YouTube searches isn’t worth that legal risk.

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0 thoughts on “Philippine TV Network Takes Down Sharon Sotto Clip”

  1. Yeah, I haven’t goten around to it yet, but this photo alone shows she’s definitely AS worthy! How about a full post on her Mike? Robin?

  2. After finally checking out more of her photos, I’ve found she’s a little more western looking than I normally prefer, but very definitely an Asian Siren!

  3. WTF? I guess it’s easier for YouTube to take down the clip instead of doing some actual work to find out that they don’t own the clips. But I guess now would be a good time to share some pics if someone wants to do a full post because she is sexy.

  4. Not bad at all, actually. Obviously, it would be better to get a look without all the “teasing”, but she seems to have the goods, that’s for sure.

    As for Youtube, they made their bones by totally flouting copyright protection. Then, seemingly overnight, they made a 180-degree adjustment. They deleted thousands of videos, many based on erroneous claims of ownership. Now, they seem to take down anything based on the ANY claim, without concern for its validity.

  5. Very cute, a little on the thin side (not that that is a bad thing). Not the best dancer, but if she was dancing privately for me in those outfits I don’t think i would complain. My wife would, thoough:}

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