Guidebooks and weary travelers hefting backpacks down Khaosan Road have long sung the praises of this stopping point as a layover on the way to paradise.The road, and indeed much of the adjacent area in Bangalamphu district of Bangkok, have long catered to budget-conscious backpacking travelers that arrive en masse. Yet as time and development relentlessly drive forward, the backpackers are finding themselves in a changing environment. Full story here.
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i love these butts pictures 🙂
I didn’t hit that particular area when I was in Thailand, but I wish I had.
I always love a nice bootie shot. I haven’t been to KSR in years. I knew that the changes that are happening would eventually take place because it’s such a hot spot. Gulliver’s is a real cool spot. I tried to pick up on some Swedish chicks when I was there but that didn’t work out. Then some chick came up to me and wanted to go back to my hotel, so I took her there and whipped it out and she got frightened and left. So I just went back out and partied some more. Wild times.
And check out this site for the latest happenings on KSR.
oh i just love the way that girls cheeks just sneaks out and peaks at you…a sneaky, peaky, cheeky girl
ok, that was stupid…nice pic though
Sex should be fun but sometimes think get too stressful. Development takes away the old charm of doing things…
Liked this article too…
Japanese porn star Ai Iijima needs sex
definitely shapely and very nice
If she only knew what I could do for her
No Butts about it……
I think Fred Astaire would go “Dancing Cheek to cheek……
Sex is stressful????maybe your doing something wrong…..
I meant looking for sex. Things used to be easier in the land of smiles.
And yes, sex can be stressful. With the wrong person, lol.
Well I try to always have it with someone willing and for me of the opposite sex….Also try never to let First wife find out…..Maybe sometimes a little stressful, but always fun…
First wife? Please don’t mention wives in a article about beautiful thai babes willing to have fun. Spoils the mood. 🙂
more butts more fun.
OH BOY…I would so love to get my hands on that butt in the picture above. I’m hungry now.