Import Icons (paysite review)

Import Icons is a paysite that features import models in glamorous settings. My inspiration for reviewing it now is that the website is currently having a membership sale where all memberships are 25% off regular prices which ends in less than 2 days on October 15th (midnight PDT time I assume). The discussion of Alex Lynn on Asian Sirens also reminded me since she is one of the models featured on Import Icons with a number of implied nude photosets and high resolution video clips.

To start off, here are larger versions of pics in the top half of the collage with names of the models:

Allaya Lee
Allaya Lee

Celeste Trinh
Celeste Trinh

Celeste Von
Celeste Von

The bottom half of the collage is none other than Christine Mendoza of course.

These preview pictures which I found through a google image search give you a taste of what most of the photos at Import Icons are like. There are some models who are featured full nude or topless such as Angela Sora, Arielle Lee, Christine Nguyen, Kat Gutierrez, and Maya Simone but the majority of models limit their exposure to implied nude or implied topless.

Since they focus on import models, most of the models they feature are Asian models. The photography is done by a woman named Jen Han and she seems to have a good rapport with the models but sometimes the set of poses becomes a bit too familiar. They choose classy locations for the photoshoots but to be honest I don’t pay money to look at nice houses and furnishings. Some of the settings do enhance the photos like the one titled Freezer Burn with Christine Mendoza. For fans of straight hair, you won’t see much since they tend to “fix” the models hair up for their shoots. Another criticism is that they include cheesy banner ads in the member’s galleries (they shouldn’t subject paying customers to such crap).

On the positive side:

They do have a relatively good selection of Asian models. I am not sure if all of them qualify as import models but that isn’t important to me.

They update with either a photoset or a videoclip 5 times a week (each weekday).

The videos are 640×480 and usually last 5+ minutes each. Most of the videos correspond to photoshoots but they also have video interviews with the models. I usually don’t like videos of photoshoots but on the positive side they sometimes catch things that don’t come across in the resulting photos. The video is not perfect with the videographer doing a bit too much panning and zooming for my taste (for instance spending too much time on a models shoes when other areas are crying for attention).

On balance, it is one of the better paysites I have come across. The key factor is that very few paysites update as frequently. Even paysites that claim to update daily sometimes include meaningless things as an update or rely too much on crappy guest model galleries rather than their own content. It is also nice to see a variety of models but agree that most people pay to see the models nude on these types of sites since you can find non-nude photos of many of these models for free. There is room for improvement but I give the website a B grade.

Lisa Kaye

Lisa Kaye

Korean and Japanese mix Lisa Kaye has been a popular import model in Southern California for 5+ years. But another model I chatted with recently said Lisa is no longer modeling and has no plans continue with the website she had started a while back.

I’ve not been able to confirm any of this, but I have no reason to doubt my source. So take a good look because you might not be seeing much more new material of Lisa in the future. Luckily, as you will see, there is a large selection of Lisa’s images all over the net.

Lisa Kaye

Lisa Kaye

Lisa Kaye

I’ve met Lisa at quite a few import car shows and she was always very sweet and friendly to her fans. I’m sorry to see her leave the scene. But at age 24, I’m guessing she has moved on to more important things in her life.

Lisa’s Yahoo group is gone, but for now her MySpace profile is still up with lots of mostly candid pics of her partying and go-go dancing with some of her hot girlfriends.

Here are some links to get a better look at Lisa. I like this shot by David Bang.

Lisa Kaye Interview
Lisa Kaye on XzoticModels
Lisa Kaye on iClique
Lisa Kaye on MySpace
Lisa Kaye on AsiaDiva

iPod video

First for technical reference and all you geeks out there the iPod Video uses this video codec format – knowing that you can now put porn videos on your iPod, for your audio pleasure on the ipod you can head over to and search for great podcasts about sex or porn, for those of you who want to get a little more “attached” to your iPod check out the Audi-Oh vibrator that will vibrate to the beat or sound of your audio on the iPod.

Miyako Miyazaki

Miyako Miyazaki

She was Miss Japan in 2003, fourth runner-up at Miss Universe pageant in 2003 and last but not least she was chosen by Global Beauties as the Sexiest Woman Alive in 2003. Her impressive catwalk and stage presence made her an absolute favorite, as well as her doll-like features. She virtually smashed everyone in that stage with her runway skills and showed the world that fashion and pageants are a great combination. At least, that is what Global Beauties said about her in 2003. The name of this Japanese beauty is Miyako Miyazaki.
Miyako Miyazaki

Miyako Miyazaki

Miyako Miyazaki

Most of the photos are taken by Marc Albert (for Global Beauties) and where found at:

More info and some small pictures of Miyako can be found at: