In my mailbox today…

nottie_nora @

Fact of the day

Since naked girls are more fun than white labrats, the university of Santa Barbara in California (USA) once submitted 33 men to an experiment in a stripteaseclub…

First the men were shown a performance of a dancer at a distance of at least 1 meter. After that a performance at a distance of 15 centimeters, without bodily contact. Lastly a performance was shown at 15 cm, with (very brief) bodily contact.

The conclusion? Men are more aroused if the dancer comes closer and makes bodily contact.

Amara From Asian4You


This sexy young lady is Amara, another popular model featured on the Asian4You web site. As mentioned in a comment in Marco’s Petchara posting, Amara has used different last names on different sites. To avoid confusion, we’ll just leave it at Amara.

As with many of the Asian4You models, it’s difficult to find any detailed information or bios on them. I believe Amara is Thai, but I could be wrong. If anyone can locate a biography of her please post it in the comments.

For a few more sexy pics of Amara, click on






Amara vs. Petchara? Please don’t make me choose, I love them both!

Links for Amara

Amara on Asian4You
Amara Links on Asian Thumbs
Amara Google Image Search

Vietnamese beauty: My Tam

My Tam

I thought it would be appropriate, to feature a Vietnamese beauty in my 100th posting! πŸ˜‰

Scanned from a magazine called DienAnh that I bought in Vietnam, I present to you My Tam.

A Google search learned me she is a Vietnamese pop-singer. Her full name is Phan Thi My Tam, she was born in 1981 and her native hometown is Da Nang.My Tam left Da Nang, for Ho Chi Minh City to learn vocal music at the Intermediate level of Ho Chi Minh City Conservatory. Up to now, My Tam has got many achievements. As for this lovely singer, the most important award is the bronze medal in “Asian Music Festival” held in Shanghai at the end of 2000 when she worked in Music Center in Ho Chi Minh Sity. Since that year, My Tam has to overcome many challenges to be an “independent-professional singer”.
The songs she has presented usually filled with deep meaning of love, life, youth, etc. That is why nowaday My Tam is one of the most favorite singers to millions of Vietnamese Pop music fans.

My Tam official site (click english and then photo’s)
My Tam gallery
My Tam Google iamge search

My Tam

My Tam

My Tam

Thi Quach

Thi Quach

Thi Quach is one of the East coast Vietnamese models who have recently entered the modeling scene. She writes that she first started modeling in March 2005.

It was interesting to see that she has befriended Amy Nguyen and Julie Ha. They happened to be the only Asian models at a recent event.

For more photos of Thi Quach, click on

Thi Quach

Thi Quach

Thi Quach

Thi Quach is also featured in the 2006 Asian Angels calendar and when you run a search on google you will find the top listing points to her page on

I don’t believe she has a website but she has quite a few pictures on her MySpace page.

If anyone has additional information about her, feel free to let us know in the comments.

Relevant links

Thi Quach’s MySpace page
Her listing at

Photographer Deangelo

Kat Gutierrez by Deangelo

Southern California is the home of a very well liked photographer known simply as Deangelo. I’ve had numerous models tell me what a pleasure it was working with him and I’m not surprised. I’ve met Deangelo a number of times and not only is he a talented photographer, he’s truly a nice guy who treats his models with respect.

This first image is from a shoot Deangelo did with busty Kat Gutierrez. You can find Deangelo’s full body of work on his two websites ImportAngels and ImportEcstasy. For more samples of Deangelo’s work, click on

Ardale by Deangelo

Bee Tran by Deangelo
Bee Tran

Juju by Deangelo

Lisa Kaye by Deangelo
Lisa Kaye

Jenny Amber by Deangelo
Jenny Amber

Deangelo’s Import Angels website
Deangelo’s Import Ecstasy website