Cherrie Ying (on drugs?)

Cherrie Ying in MAXIM

I came across a short article at HK Entertainment News In Review about Chinese actress Cherrie Ying. The article was from June 2005, but still, I thought, let’s do a posting about this beautiful lady.

Cherrie Ying Choi-Yi was born on June 20th, 1983 in Taiwan and moved with her family to New York when she was eleven. After making a strong film debut in Fulltime Killer (2001), she caught the attention of Charles Heung’s wife and was signed to a contract with China Star Entertainment Co., Ltd. Since then, Ying has been working consistently and is rapidly gaining popularity.

Ohw, you want to know about the drugs? πŸ˜‰ Read on…June 30th, 2005. Cherrie Ying Choi-Yi was cleared of drug charges in HK court on Tuesday. Last November, Ying, 21, was arrested after it appeared she threw out a bag containing cocaine as a car she was in with three others approached a police roadblock. In dismissing the charges, Magistrate Abu Bakar bin Wahab found testimony from the supervising officer at the roadblock to be inconsistent and noted that drug tests that Ying took after her arrest were clear. (Source: Hong Kong Entertainment News In Review.)

Cherrie Ying on the web:

Cherrie Ying @
Cherrie Ying @ (MAXIM photo’s)
Cherrie Ying @
Cherrie Ying @ (I love this url! ;-))

Cherrie Ying in MAXIM

Rosalind Chao

Rosalind Chao

After featuring her Joy Luck Club co-star Ming-Na Wen – as well as fellow Star Trek babe Linda Park – I thought it only fair that we should also do a post on Chinese actress Rosalind Chao. Okay, so maybe she isn’t as sexy as Linda, but for my money she’s prettier than Ming-Na, and looks amazing considering she’s pushing 50! Despite her long and distinguished acting career, the above pic was the only decent sized one I could find, and there don’t seem to be any fan sites devoted to her either.Perhaps best known for her recurring guest role as Keiko O’Brien in Star Trek: The Next Generation and Star Trek: Deep Space Nine, her acting career actually stretches all the way back to 1970, when she appeared in an episode of I Love Lucy. Since then, she has made nearly a hundred(!) notable TV appearances, and has starred in 44 films. Come on, surely it must be worthwhile for somebody to do a fan site on her! Here’s a Wikipedia entry on her anyway.

Hooray for Hooters – Shanghai

Hooray for Hooters Shanghai

About 1 year ago the American chain restaurant Hooters opened their first China location in Shanghai. Having survived the initial jokes about difficulty of recruiting Hooters girls in China, the restaurant has proven itself a success. As the readers of Asian Sirens know all to well, good things often do come in small packages.The story of Hooters’ China experience is linked from this posting with a few more pictures. Asian Sex Gazette reported the opening in October 2004, and we are happy that they are continuing to do well. Still, we were saddened last year when Playboy Enterprises was denied a license to open a ‘Lifestyle Club’ in Shanghai. Too bad, but change come in small steps we figure.

Full story here.

Helen Su

Helen Su

Meet Helen Su, a 23 year old student and model from Southern California. Her ethnicity is Chinese. I came across Helen’s MySpace and Xanga pages and found lots of fun and sexy pictures of her. Take a look especially at the many pics in her Xanga blog. She looks like she really enjoys go-go dancing and partying with her sexy girlfriends. You can meet Helen in person at one of the many import shows she attends.

Helen lists her interests as Hula, Tahitian dance, working out, shopping, tennis, eating out, ballets, plays, musicals and traveling. On another site she mentions she enjoys “dancing around in my panties.” πŸ™‚ Click on More for a few more sample images of 165cm (5’5″) Helen.

Helen Su

Helen Su

Helen Su

Helen Su

Helen Su

Helen Su

Links for Helen Su

Helen Su on MySpace
Helen Su on Xanga
Helen Su’s Official website (Under construction)