Top 100 Most Popular Pornstars of 2005

Tera Patrick in top 3 of Most Popular Pornstars of 2005

Online since 1997, free pornstars site currently contains over 700 free porn star galleries. They’ve now released a list of the most visited archive pages of 2005 and as such has compiled the Top 100 Most Popular Pornstars of 2005. This list is an actual ranking of the 100 most visited pornstars on this site in 2005, it gives a nice impression of who is hot and who is not.The list includes a handful of Asians: Tera Patrick (#3), Kobe Tai (#27), Asian Carrera (#51), Miko Lee (#79), and Charmane Star (#93).

I’m surprised that the list only includes the established porn stars. Where are the upcumming stars such as Michelle Maylene, Kaiya Lynn, Mika Tan, and Nyomi Zen?

Talking about porn stars, don’t forget to check out if you want to hire a star for your own adult video. Some of the recommendations are fun to read 😉

Asian Sex Gazette’s Top 20 Asian women of 2005

Asian Sex Gazette's Top 20 Asian women of 2005

Happy holidays everyone. As you may have noticed in recent days, we have been working to put together a top list for 2005. We have taken everyone’s feedback and appreicate it very much. In many ways this list would not have been possible with out the help and partnership we have shared over 2005. We look forward to 2006!It has been a good year at Asian Sex Gazette and we have enjoyed working to bring you quality reporting on matters of sexuality from Asia. At times the news has been good, such as women gaining rights, sexual education improving in places where it was lacking or non-existant, or the work of many to improve sexual health.

Over the year we have become recognized a premier source for reporting on sex in Asia, and we thank you the reader for your support. Our publication has found that, for some reason, our reports on up-and-coming, sex-scandal celebrities and model profiles of beautiful Asian woman are a bit more porpular than our reporting on say, human trafficking. Always seeking to serve our readership, we bring you ‘Asian Sex Gazette’s Top 20 Asian woman of 2005.’

These are women who made headlines in 2005, advanced the status Asian feminity in the West and made all of us take a second glance. We believe this also provides a public service by helping our friends and professional cohorts at publications like, who were only able to identify a handful of Asian women for their ‘Top 99’ this year, by helping to increase the profile of Asian women.

Thanks again for reading Asian Sex Gazette and we look forward to providing you with more of the best coverage of sex in Asia in 2006. Happy New Year, click here is the list.

Ja Tharika (aka Talia Lee)

Ja Tharika (Photography: Chitchanok Vittayaviroj)

Nik2 pointed us today to Ja Tharika, a stunning model featured in a recent Thai Penthouse (Photography: Chitchanok Vittayaviroj).

I just noticed that Ja Tharika is now Talia Lee, a fashion model that worked with photographer Adam Yurman for both Penthouse and Pacific Beauty. You can find more info about Tiala here and here. How could I forget to check Adam’s portfolio!

Ja Tharika (Photography: Chitchanok Vittayaviroj)

Ja Tharika (Photography: Chitchanok Vittayaviroj)

Ja Tharika (Photography: Chitchanok Vittayaviroj)

Ja Tharika (Photography: Chitchanok Vittayaviroj)

Ja Tharika (Photography: Chitchanok Vittayaviroj)

Ja Tharika (Photography: Chitchanok Vittayaviroj)


Talia Lee (Photography: Adam Yurman)

Talia Lee (Photography: Adam Yurman)

Talia Lee (Photography: Adam Yurman)


China Shuts Down Porn Sites

During the months of September through November, Chinese public security authorities shut down 598 porn websites and wiped out 35 porn domain names, according to Wu Heping, spokesman of the Ministry of Public Security.

Heping announced on Dec. 29 that all porn websites discovered in China have been closed down. The move follows the ministry’s September decision to begin a nationwide campaign against Internet porn, including video chatting, which was launched in conjunction with the Information Office of the State Council and the Ministry of Information Industry.Heping said that more than 80 percent of domestic computers have been infected by viruses during recent years and that the daily junk mail flowing to domestic users exceeded 60 million.

Heping added that since the campaign’s start, the number of porn websites reported daily by the public has dropped from 14 to nine, most of which are foreign porn websites. The number of Internet porn videos reported daily also has dropped from 13 to two, he said.

Chinese regulations specify that Internet service-providers are liable to safeguard Internet use and that police should supervise all providers. However, Heping said China’s Internet safeguarding methods are applied by no more than 25 percent of web users and providers.

Regulations also state that any online safeguarding technique should not be used to infringe upon the individuals’ freedom and privacy and at least two members of the police should be at scene when inspecting suspects.

Heping said the Internet is one of the most important parts of Chinese life. Currently, China’s Internet users number more than 100 million, ranking second globally.

One ministry official said the public is encouraged to report any online activity violating laws or code of conducts through phones or an official website, Net.China.CN.


Patcharapa Chaichua

Patcharapa Chaichua

Patcharapa ‘Aum’ Chaichua was voted Thailand’s sexiest woman in 2003. Born on 5 December 1978, Aum is still one of the top hotties on Thai TV in 2005. She can be found on almost every TV channel in Thailand with appearances in TV soaps according to BNM.

Don’t know but according to a recent poll at ThailandStar she is not the most popular anymore. Cathreeya English is the most popular woman in Thailand if I can believe their list.