Natelie Somboon has angel wings. Those aren’t tattoos. Those are actual angel wings fused against her back. If you were about to make a comment about how they’re tattoos well now you look foolish don’t you. Natelie is a model from Pacific USA, and I believe she lives in the United States. Other information is not known at this time.

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was there more photos? I like the one in the chair (pic 3) but am not really sold overall.
The first shot she has a man-face and her implants are peculiar.
I think she looks better in video.
She had wings implanted on her back. That’s even dumber than getting tattoos!
I have to agree with Luke, she looks a bit better in the video. Still not really my cup-o-tea. Pretty bad breast implants (although a bit more understandable than the wing implants).
She’s “not off the chars” TM pretty but she is fairly sexy.
not bad. that 2nd pic is enticing…
Seriously love her waist and her shape…wow….the boobs are wonky though – like 2 bulging eyeballs. Again, I Agree with Luke72 that she has masculine facial features.
I say implant breasts look great dressed up in clothes. Natural breasts look great naked.
All of the Pacific USA girls have this caramel looking skin. I imagine it’s a photoshop thing but I can’t help liking it. Natelie is no exception.
With a decent hairdo and a skilled photog…Natelie (why do Asian-American parents insist on having a different spelling of the given name??) would be a lot more appealing. Same goes for the Pacific video. Neither does her justice methinks.
Oh…this just in from ORDOS: Miss Malaysia has just been post-crowned MISS NOT-SO-HOT!! =;-p
OK, I was a post-whore about Miss Malaysia and had that coming. 🙂
I dated a woman with a very similar implant job like Natalie’s here…..they were a lot of fun but caused her a lot of self-esteem issues. And I do like the color of her skin.
The 2nd pic of her arse is much appreciated.
Thanks…Mr.French…for being a ‘sport’! I couldn’t resist after all the gushing. We all have our favorites as witnessed by the 30+ posts. =:-}
Guess I’ll be the voice of dissent because I think she’s awesome. Give me a second helping please! Maybe a vacation to Florida would be a good idea.
Every time a southeast asian girl gets featured here, she’s accused of looking masculine, which has almost become funny after all these years.
I like her just fine too. That silky brown is pretty delish i must say. Love her hips and thighs also.
I’ve noticed that too Wylde8 and agree with you. However I think that in this case the first photo has that feel, the others are fine. Sometimes the lead picture that appears on the home page isn’t the best representation of what is to come.
For me her skin tone is lovely but I would like to see more photos, I’m sure she has some better ones.
Agreed. More photos would be a wonderful treat!
Right On..Luke,arf,wylde! Natelie has great potential: Great figure and skin tone. It is the lack of ‘presentation’ that dooms her to a second rank! Could it be more obvious?
Doktor! Can you please ‘check-in’ on this one??
Also the southeast asian women were considered too primative at one time or another…kinda like me. >(:()
WoW!!!…I just scrolled up and noticed her right thigh in the bottom pic above and how downright delectable it looks.
@Nighthawk: I wasn’t going to bother “checking in” on this one as I didn’t have anything to say that hasn’t already been said, apart from this girl (like most Issarn Thais) not being to my taste, which I think most of our readers would know already anyway.
I do find your opinion on the photography surprising though – they don’t come much more skilled or experienced than Adam!
Yes, I agree with French; her arse is enticing!
Didn’t feel right to be negative about her nipples and wasn’t going to comment until I saw nearly every second commenter did.
arf? are you sure you don’t mean her left thigh? More skin to see there.;-)
I do like her skin color as I prefer tanned women, but she’s just alright or me.
Wow, that second picture really does it for me. That’s a view I’d love to see up close and personal.