An announcement on Natasha Yi’s MySpace page on 25 July 2006 reads:
Natasha is currently filming a lead role in an upcoming movie called Thunder Over Reno. This action-romantic adventure will be released in all major theatres in the summer of 2007.
I know Natasha has been trying to break into acting for a while. Let’s hope this is her big break. Best of luck Natasha!

Links for Natasha Yi
Thunder Over Reno Website
Thunder Over Reno IMDB page
Natasha’s official website
Natasha’s MySpace page
Natasha @ Asian Sirens 19 Jul 2005
Natasha @ Asian Sirens 08 Dec 2005
Natasha gallery @ Scanlover.com
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Hey good for her! Hope someone gives Sung Hi a shot now too!
Sung Hi already has had a shot – several times! They just haven’t exactly been hit movies. To be honest, Natasha’s movie probably won’t be very successful either.
Playboy models always say their ambition is to become an actress, but if that’s what you really want then it seems like a very bad career move. 🙂
Yeah but Sung Hi seems to be looking more for a regular job like the soap she did for like three weeks. Anyhoo good luck to them both. I watch the two of them fart the star spangled banner if they’d televise it…
Sung Hi has had several lead film roles – I think she just takes whatever she can get.
i’ve been natasha’s fan for years, BUT “thunder over reno” sounds like a straight-to-dvd movie. it might pop on some cable channel, but few will ever notice. i’m willing to bet, that she had to agree to appear nude or at least topless, to get that part. BUT i hope i’m wrong & she makes it.
Natasha says it will be opening in all major theatres, but I agree the title and subject matter screams straight to video.
Good news!! I love to see our favorite models make it big!!! I also love a girl in uniform……thnks for posting she’s gorgeous
We probably should wait and see if this movie actually does make her big before making that pronouncement. 🙂
Note: Posting updated to include links to Thunder Over Reno’s Official Website and IMDB Page.
Holy crap the lead in that movie is the clown from the Francine Dee Blind Date segment from way back. He was such a meathead, of course she was bitchy so they were quite a pair. It also must feature more caucasion asian lovin much to the dismay of some of the guys here. As evidenced by that Mirror story a few back….
Yep, just like I said – this screams straight to video!
NO DOUBT! Well maybe Natasha can make the best of it.
I was looking at the acting section of Natasha’s website. She seems to be on the typical “actors trying to make it” path. Namely, doing whatever small jobs you can get to get your name out there.
Granted, this movie is not likely to be a blockbuster and not likely to make her a major star. But still, I think for someone trying to make it, it’s a “next step” in the process. Of course, it’s a dog eat dog business and the odds are always against you.
I think it’s cool that they cast an Asian woman in that role and I wish Natasha the best of luck with it.
The story below (from her website) is kind of interesting. It outlines all of the smaller jobs she has been doing prior to getting this movie role. I didn’t know some video games were designing characters based on her image.
Take a good look at this rising star!! Her name is Natasha Yi. She was the first Asian model to grace the set of The Price Is Right. Due to the overwhelming response, producers booked her on three, primetime, Million Dollar Specials. Natasha has appeared in several movies, including: The Run Down, Cradle to the Grave, Rush Hour 2.
Natasha has also appeared in Pamela Anderson’s syndicated show, V.I.P.
She has been in several ad campaigns for Sony, McDonald’s, SBC and more.
Because of Natasha’s huge fan base, the video game industry began designing characters based on her image. Her latest video game projects include “SRS” (Street Racing Syndicate) by Namco and 187 Ride or Die by Ubisoft.
Scarlet Angel is another video game in production in which she stars as a freelance mercenary fighting villains.
Natasha has graced the cover of a number of major publications. Her image and brand name sells several thousand calendars and posters every year, and she has helped to move several thousand magazines.
Her appearances bring out fans by the hundreds to live events. As you can see by her photos, she is not only beautiful, but rugged and tough. On her spare time, she rides her Big Dog motorcycle that has been customized by her legendary friend Arlen Ness. Natasha is currently studying theatre in New York City.
I heard Gong Li appears nude on sex scene with Collin Ferrel on miami vice : http://www.miamivice.com
I have good news and bad news,
Good news: you are in a movie
Bad News; This movie sucks, just looking at the website, they tell you nothing about the film, all hack crew. Sweetheart you are in trouble with this one. Hopefully a real film maker will see you and offer you a job!
A little harsh MrMitch…..