Myles Hernandez


Myles Hernandez is another one of the Viva Hot Babe girls along with Gwen Garci. I don’t have an opinion of Myles Hernandez. I’m convinced she is better looking than most of her photos, but many of them look so different that I’m not even positive it is the same girl.Photo quality is low. I’d like to replace them, so if you come across higher quality photos, post them in the comments – even if they are the same as the ones posted below.


Age: 24
Height: 5’5
Ethnicity: Filipina
Located: Philippines











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0 thoughts on “Myles Hernandez”

  1. Nice tits! 🙂 Her lower body’s a little thick for my taste, but her tits make up for it. I’m not sure about her face, as she (as Travis points out) looks very different in different photos, but she seems pretty enough (at least with the right makeup). Overall, she’s certainly a Filpina I can appreciate!

  2. Pretty cute, but she does look quite different in all these photos.

    I seems that her weight fluctuates, which might be a reason for the different looks (eg Pics 3 & 4). In pic 5 she even looks a little bit Thai (to me anyway).

  3. I like how she is trying to model the rope skirt in the first pic as a possible fashion trend. Darn it, didn’t catch on. Pretty lady, though.

  4. OH MY!!! Just dream about waking up next to this sexy,sultry Filipina! WHAT A BODY! Hard to take your eyes off those beautiful, big mammarys. Her face is ‘easy on the eyes’ as well!

    Oddly…seeing her initially: I thought she looked Latina. Maybe the Spanish surname had something to do with it?

  5. Too thick? Nonsense. I love the cushion and curves. I’m not a big fan of seeing hipbones jutting out.

    BTW, makeup can do amazing things. My wife with and without makeup looks completely different.

  6. Nighthawk, most filipinas have some spanish in them. Even if it’s just the surname.

    Myles is pretty hot and with genuine cuteness. What you see is what you get! The boobs are fantastic.

    Glad to see a filipina that gets Doc interested, at last!

  7. Actually dazn, if you go through the recent posts, you’ll see there have been a few Filipinas I’ve liked recently – we seem to be having a good run at the moment! She does look quite Latina, but that of course is nothing unusual for Filipinas (despite the protestations of some Filipino visitors!).

  8. She’s thick? Yeesh I have a fear of fat chicks too but this girl is far from thick. This babe is perfect!

  9. Come on darklighter1 – you’ve been around here long enough to know that irrelevant and insulting comparisons with other models are potential flame bait and not allowed; I had to edit your comment.

  10. This girl does look like she has some latina in her. My, what a body, especially what is shown in the first picture — perfect tits & ass!! Can’t help but drool looking at her 🙂

  11. In some pics, i think she’s flat out gorgeous, in others just OK. As for the weight fluctuation, it’s probably monthly bloating, which seems to affect some ladies more than others.

    As far as her being thick, I get what the Doc is saying, I think. Not fat or even chubby, just a little extra around the waist in proportion to the rest of her. Seems to common with a lot (not all) Filipinas.

    Travis, I think eezee23 meant hit on, not hit.

  12. Yeah, that is what I meant. And it is much more apparent in some photos than others, so there could well be a bit of weight fluctuation involved.

    Oh, and I suspect Travis knew that already. 🙂

  13. Wingsfan19, he meant “hit” as in “have sex with,” as in the phrase “I’d like to hit that all night long.” Regardless, that was the joke, homey =).

  14. Yeah, but I thought you were taking him seriously about physically hitting — no smiley face.

    “I know you want to hit that”

  15. Really like this girl, although she certainly looks completely different in some of the pics. Love that curvy thickness, much more fun in the sack if ya know what I mean:)

  16. I love Myles Hernandez. She’s the hottest of the Viva Hot Babe girls. Very sexy. Love her face. Fantastic breasts.

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