Mongolian bongo pics

Mongolian bongo

I can’t read Russian so can’t write much about this page full of pictures of naked Mongolian ladies posing outside in what looks like very cold weather. If anyone reads Russian, maybe they can provide a translation. Unfortunately, the page doesn’t come up with pictures if you run it through the web based language translators and I believe most people here would be more interested in the pics anyway.

I noticed that there hasn’t been a lot of nudity on Asian Sirens lately so figured it was a good time to post this.

I will leave you with another photo which links to the source of these photos:

Mongolian bongo

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0 thoughts on “Mongolian bongo pics”

  1. Nice find. Good photo’s.

    As for the lack of nudity… I think I am trying to find a ballance between nudity and classy posts… And sometimes the best of both worlds. So it’s good to have a team of bloggers to level things up! 😉

  2. they are fighting & cursing at each other, in comment section, because one of them said that kazakh women were better looking than mongolian ones. just learned a few new expletives “pa russki”, hehe.

  3. Wow. Who would have thought you would find such lovely women in that cold and barren location. They must have been brought there from a modeling agency somewhere in China. It makes me welcome the coming of winter. They look like they could certainly keep you warm.

  4. My comment about the lack of nudity was directed at me as well since my two previous entries were relatively tame. I only mentioned it since I noticed that at the time I posted this entry that there was no nudity other than the banners to the left on the main page and the implied nude of the former Miss Thailand. I agree that a mix is good and don’t think that we should focus on only R rated (or above) content.

  5. I guess I’m the odd man out here: this shoot is far too amateur and ‘messy’ for my taste, and the models aren’t really outstanding. But I do like the shots behind the glass – they’re kind of interesting. Each to his own I guess!

  6. I think I like the ‘story. First the girls in the bus on their way… the undressing (yes the glass pcs are fun :-)), and finally the shoot. I like the models and the concept. Amateur has it’s charm also.

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