This Japanese Siren hails from Suzuka in Mie Prefecture and, according to most articles, is one of the biggest reasons for the rising popularity of beach volleyball in Japan. Asao has a very successful photobook and DVD out on the market and her website offers a peek into her schedule and an online diary… if you can read Japanese, that is.

Born on February 2, 1986 this Aquarius stands at 172m and is a fit and toned 53kg. As far as anyone knows Asao is single, though I doubt she’s got the time to date right now. Trying to balance a volleyball career, photo shoots and TV appearances more likely than not leaves her all tuckered out at the end of the day.
Asao and her partner in crime: Nishibori Takemi (pictured below) are ranked 56th in the world. These two “beach babes” hope to represent Japan in the upcoming Beijing Summer Olympics. There are rumors circulating that Asao may put all her eggs into the showbiz basket if the two fail to qualify. Either way, we’ll be seeing more of her.

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welcome to the team FlipnIrish! 🙂
great post and welcome 🙂
This girl is beyond bad…to me she is the perfect woman. I love everything about her. Thank you Flip, makes me wanna get up off my lazy ass now and work out.
I think most females athletes have a certain attraction about them no matter how plain looking (I said MOST), but asian female athletes are like…whoa!
Me likey! I wonder what percentage of total pervs are the devotees of women’s beach volleyball…
You like me, you really like me! For the record: my favorite sport IS women’s beach volleyball…
I like her friend too.
me three 🙂
Asao-san is very pretty and athletic. But to repeat a point made by Christine (about a different girl), Asao also seems, well, uh, entirely butt-less. No curves in the netherlands: zero, zilch, nichts, niets, nada, nyet, rien, mei you, ja ari masen, etc. Doc has declared his unconcern about this feature in asian girls, but(t) I find it a bit of a drawback.
And now we know…and knowing is half the battle.
“Yo, Joe!” 🙂
I like them both.
So arf, you are saying that with knowing and understanding will come acceptance of buttlessness?
I’ll admit that Asao doesn’t look as good in a bikini as most of the other women on this site, I think that her charm and naturalness (is that even a word???) more than make up for it.
It’s kinda nice seeing a woman who doesn’t need special lighting and make up to look good. She’s not unlike the “girl from Ipanema”; tall and tan and young and lovely the girl from Suzuka goes walking and when she passes, each one she passes goes – ah!
Exactly…doesn’t need fancy photography, makeup, and expertly done flattering lighting to make her look her best. The Youtube footage is crudely made by rank amateurs with crappy equipment. Yet her charm, loveliness, and natural healthy beauty effortlessly shines through.
Very cute without make up. And those athletic bodies just make them so attractive to me. Gotta love those abs and the toned legs.
I enjoy watching women’s volley and yes, it’s not for the sport. 😉
Oh boy…I think I’m in love again.
I agree with the comments on the charm of a girl without make-up or special lighting/touch-ups etc., which is a big reason why I always shot Sachiko in a kind of “point and shoot” style, and she doesn’t wear any make-up apart from lipstick. Normal glamour photos look more “perfect”, but they put up a barrier between the viewer and the model, and the touch-ups (no matter how expertly done) always make the photos look too “unreal” to me.
I agree. Most of the time the most beautiful Asian women I see are at my local Asian grocery stores. Living and shopping where I do here in Vegas, I see tons of different Asian women. They’re NOT wearing copious amounts of make up and are NOT scantily clad. Jeans and Ts are the norm but they still make my jaw drop. I find myself staring at them while they’re buying fish or picking out tomatoes. I feel like some kind of a stalker or something.
Urgal…all I’m saying is, if I wanted a big fat ass, I’d go elsewhere. This girl’s hot with her healthy body.
OMG FlipnIrish, I live in Vegas too and know exactly what you mean. What’s your favorite grocery store for babe watching — I’ll have to convince my wife to shop there and then check out the ladies on the (extremely) sly. Cuz if it’s not too sly, I may come home missing body parts:-(
I really like Diho on Spring Mountain and Jones. Not one of those places that are full of old ladies, ya know?
She’s very tomboy to me, but I still can’t help but like her.
Let me bust this love-fest by saying she’s ok. Cute, but not a particularly well shaped waist (I like more curve), and a unimpressive ass.
Grocery asian babe watching. A new hobby has arrived. 🙂
The things asian hotties make us do….. It’s beyond reasonable. lol
It doesn’t really matter where I’m at, I’m alway asian babe watching. Or searching.
I think I see just hint of camel toe in the third picture with the blue asao suit on. I just wish the whole love-fest thing hadn’t been busted. 🙁 I really was having a marvelous time.
what’s a camel toe? something to do with her feet?
Are you kidding LawBoy? Here you go. 🙂
really? that’s what its called? i thought it was part of the fashion statement 😉 got ya arf 🙂
I am inclined to agree with Bubalabobo – the natural look is nice, but if she wasn’t bouncing around a volleyball court in a bikini, would anyone give her a second look?
I always look twice… haha!
Scantily clad females. Dool…
God bless Japan. We Fillipinos forgive you Japanese during the last war.
Beach volleyball star and Olympic no-show Miwa Asao pays the bills without the skills