Today I just thought to myself: time for an import model*. The real Asian-American model lovers will probably allready know her: Jenny Chu. Jenny is half Chinese, half Vietnamese. There is a lot to be found on the web about her (interviews, photo-galleries, member-sites), so enjoy yourselves with the following links I have selected for you. I am a bit pressured for time right now, so feel free to add more in the comments section.Gallery @ MissJennyChu.com
Jenny Chu Official site
Jenny Chu Official site #2
Jenny Chu @ ModelGraphy.com
Jenny Chu @ PureHotModels.com
Jenny Chu @ ImportCreationOnline.com
Jenny Chu @ Tunerzine.com
Jenny Chu @ Nguoimau.com
Some facts:
Name: Jenny Chu
Location: Thousand Oaks, CA
Ethnicity: Chinese/Vietnamese
Date of birth: 1985-10-17
Height: 5′ 3″ / 160 cm
Weight: 115 lbs / 52 kg
Eyes: Brown
Hair: Brown
Measurements: 32B-24-36
Dress Size: 3-5
Shoe Size: 7
* Somehow the term ‘import model’ just doesn’t sound right to me… I mean, to associate a person, in this case Asian-American, with an import car? (thanx Lee, for the clarification! ;-)) Here in Holland people sometimes even use the term import as a joke; “He has an import wife”. Ah well, who am I to judge.

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A very nice mixture indeed!
Thanks Robin!
* Bloody nose. Erhem, anyways, this girl is very sensual indeed and does seem to combine the best of both Vietnamese and Chinese beauty, I’m having a hard time descriibing it, but someone help me here.
Hi Robin. The term ‘import’ in this case refers to the imported cars they usually model with, not the models themsleves!
I believe I saw Jenny Chu at her first model show appearance although she wasn’t at a table but just checking out the show with a couple of friends. She had a nice strapless dress on (not too fancy but not casual either) and I noticed as I was leaving that photographers were asking her to pose for photographs and exchanging contact information. Maybe that was the start of her modeling career? I have heard similar stories of models especially import models getting discovered by just attending the shows (dressed to impress of course). Anastasia was discovered that way and was helped out by none other than Charisse.
I did learn something new about Jenny Chu as I didn’t realize or forgot she had a seperate free website for modeling purposes.
Ah yeah! Knew that! But somehow in my head it was linked to the model also. Asian-American models; not originally from the US; ‘import’. (But then the whole USA is imported isn’t it? ;-))
Like I said, here in Holland people sometimes talk about import brides. Happens a lot here, since we have quite a multicultural country with lot’s of Moroccan and Turkish people importing their wifes from the ‘homeland’.
Happens a lot in Australia and the US too of course!
I thought the reasone why they are so called Import-Models and notice the hyphen in there is because these models would show up and support the Import-Car shows and so that is why they are called Import-Models??!!!!!!!! Now isnt that true? I think so. L8tr
That’s what I said – see my original comment above (and Robin’s ammendment to his article).
With the success of Vision Entertainments ‘Hot Inmport Night’ shows, it has become so much more main stream, that the term Import Model is used in the same context as an Asian Model. It has more to do with the industry here in the Southern and Northern California areas than anywhere else. The shows have gone National and now International, that when a model shows up to these various cities outside of California, they’ve all been imported from somewhere else. Generally that is the most common term associated with import models now. I could be wrong though.
Admittedly it did start off with some negative overtones, justified or not, but now that HIN shows feature A list celebrity models that are not even Asian, it has taken on a whole new complextion.
The second best ass; the first? KT
I always considered them import car models, but to me, that term is becoming inaccurate. What has amazed me is how the models that tour with the import car shows go from unknowns to extremely popular almost overnight, mainly with the help of internet sites like this one.
To me, there is nothing better than an Asian chick with a great ass, and Jenny has a great ass, but KT So has a better ass though.
Jenny’s lower body (legs and ass) are too big for my taste, but I agree KT’s are nice (unusually so amongst import models actually). Still, I’m not an ass man – they usually like ’em big, but I like ’em small.
I always been an ass man. If I see a chick, especially an Asian chick with a great ass, I got to take notice because it’s a rarity. I also noticed that KT has an amazing pair of fake breasts to go with that great ass of hers. I always felt that she didn’t need them, but oh well, it’s her body, and most men like big breasts. I am just glad that they are not too big and within proportion to her figure.
I mean, the best ass in the recent history of asian’s models is mimi miyagi’s; kascha perhaps; after, akira lane, workint out it after her first aperances; and in this times, Francine and, more elegant, Linda O’neil
As some one who isn’t an ass man, can somebody explain to me what makes a great butt? I really can’t tell – for me if it’s small and tight it’s good, but the models many people cite as having a good ass are all over the map as far as the size of their butts go. So how do you define what makes a great ass?
A great ass is high, strong, tight, femenin; equilibrate with the size of the tits; smooth skin; a little bit open; etc
Would you call this a good ass?
Spit Beach 53
wow¡¡¡¡¡ It’s perfect. One more please
You can find more at Sachiko’s site. As I’m not an ass man I’ve never thought to promote her ass before. Maybe I should! 😉
Yes, because there are people who consider an good ass so important than tits or face. And in this moment, when all the tits are enhanced, the ass is the last answer.
Could you tell me anything about Sachiko? She is a surprise for me; she is cozy; her expression is shy and smart; she’s more elegant…
There’s loads of info on her site (check the FAQ and Diary sections), and she’s been interviewed by Asian Sex Gazette too (go here).
does jenny make any nude movies???
Jenny does not have any nude work.
Did everyone see Jenny on the G4 Street Fury coverage of SEMA Las Vegas?
I think she said she will be at HIN Miami but don’t quote me on that haha.
its bad phose, not have idea good
hey…i didn’t know i had my own thread:-)
i heart everyone
Hi Miss Jenny Chu, welcome to your own thread 🙂
Yeah everyone loves chuchu! Great to see you here Jenny. 🙂
My Jenny Chu christmas photo. December 04′
More at http://www.modelgraphy.com/us/robryan.html