Model Viky / Photographed by Pasha Model Viky

A friend of mine sent me yet another sample gallery featuring 18 images of the very beautiful Viky. The photographer is Pasha. It’s nice to see Met-Art featuring more Asian ladies these days. I couldn’t find any bio or background information on Viky. Maybe some of our readers can shed more light on this model. What nationality do you suppose she is? For more pics, click Model Viky Model Viky

Links for Model Viky

Viky’s Sample Gallery Main Site

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0 thoughts on “ Model Viky / Photographed by Pasha”

  1. Viky is absolutey PERFECTION!!!! I wish they had an “All Asian” Met-Art” Hey, a guy can dream can’t he??? ha,ha,ha,ha…..I’d love to see more of her in the near future.

  2. what do you guys think…a little hair or no hair…she is beautiful but…i think i prefer a little hair..not too much but some so she doesnt look too much like a preteen…

  3. Actually, I’m not that fond of Met Art overall (I think it’s much more porn than art, especially the videos), but they do have the occasional absolute gem – like this one!

  4. Wow. She looks tall. I like tall. (And even if she’s not, I like her.)

    Lawboy, I’m with you: I’d like a little more fur downstairs.

  5. i have no complaints with a little more carpet in the entryway; basically i prefer natural, whether it’s bushy or smooth (incidentally, there are a lot of asian- NOT japanese -girls who are naturally smooth or very sparse down there).

    as for ethnicity, she actually looks like she could have some j-blood in her; but more likely chinese/mongol/korean….

  6. She reminds me of someone I used to know from Laos…especially her eyes. I am going to say she is from Laos or Thailand. She’s a real beauty.

  7. what type of site is Met-Art? I realize it’s not 100% – are the picture types similar to…is the site mild pr0n and do the women touch their p00n?

  8. When it comes to photography, I think Met-Art does some great work, but I never been too fond of them because the few Asian models that I seen from them weren’t too appealing to look at. But that changed when I seen Viky. She’s just gorgeous. I would be a bigger fan if they’d photograph more hot Asians such as her.

  9. She’s HOT! 🙂

    Speaking of hair…as long as she’s “groomed” below, who cares! You should be paying more attention to the hair on her head – those are some awesome long locks! 😛 (esp. pic #2).

    She’s definitely got the whole package. Maybe not super-model “beautiful” but still damn fine all around.

    (and judging from the height of the bathtub on her, I would say she is around 5’4, give or take a couple inches 🙂 )

  10. Damn, another cuty from Metart!

    I would appreciate it that in postings also the photographers get the credits they deserve (if possible of course). In this case the photographer is Pasha.

  11. Great!

    To be honest, I sometimes find it more interesting to know who the photographer is than who the model is. The model name is in most cases fake and doesn’t tell you anthing.

  12. yeah she’ll do i wish it was as easy to meet one as it is to find the perfect one on here

  13. Yes indeed. I feel like I have seen her before though, and not just because she looks a little like Aria Lee. I will continue to try to figure out if I know her by another name…

  14. This lady was posted before I joined AS — I love her and am wondering about all the other hot ladies I’ve missed.

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