Model Aurika Photographed by Ingret Model Aurika

Here’s a sample gallery featuring 19 images of their model Aurika. As usual with Met-Art, it’s not easy to get any background information on their models. What nationality do you think she is? For a few more samples, click Model Aurika Model Aurika Model Aurika

Links for Model Aurika

Aurika’s Sample Gallery Main Site

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0 thoughts on “ Model Aurika Photographed by Ingret”

  1. what i like about met art is that they are not shy about photographing the female anatomy. it is very explicit but yet very tasteful, unlike for example Hustler in the US where you can practically tell what religion a person is and not very artistic. Here Met Art makes it so attractive that you dont mind getting up close and personal ; )

    i think she is asian…very nice!

  2. She’s a fraud! Her name isn’t Aurika — it’s Yummi. 😛

    But what’s this! No boobie reveal? That’s not art, it’s sacrilege!

    So…considering the on-going Boobiegate scandal, I can only issue Yummi a 9.75/10 inches….I mean stars. 🙂

  3. She is asian alright, I know her from one or two years ago. From the way she writes english, I would say she is thai.

    She used to perform as a online cam girl (no, not in my site, but on another) but she has stopped some months ago. Now, maybe this is why! 🙂

    She has always been very hot. She is great in photos and she likes to tease with that bum of hers.

  4. I think she’s a mix of Chinese, Cambodian and Thai… Definately a mixture of more than 2 races and one of those is DEFINATELY Chinese.
    That shaved punnany is making my mouth water.

  5. so she’s got an “outy”. big deal!

    she’s thai for sure, i would bet my savings on it. and before anyone starts nitpicking: we are all a mix of AT LEAST 2 races. what i am saying is if you look at her passport, it will say “thailand”.

  6. Wow! I dont usually go for the completely shaved look but I do believe I could make an exception in her case. Though I too would like a closer look at her breasts the element of mystery can be appealing as well. Nice shots. Tight body indeed.

  7. Isn’t she a bit “big boned” or “thicker” than most Thai women? And has a lighter complexion too. If she is Thai, I think it’s likely she is mixed with something else as well. I could be wrong though.

  8. I think she is Thai–see the way her fingers arc back–typical Thai dancer,the parents manipulate the hands when babies.Name would be Russian /Latvian
    or such,tho.
    Never the less,she is beautiful.
    I am going to Thailand next week [9th trip]—-If only!

  9. She’s Thai mixed with ingredient X. She has a sexy body and I like how she exhibits alittle bit of her flexibility in the sample gallery. She’d be perfect if it wasn’t for that belly button.

  10. I’m with NorthMan on this one – I think we are so used to looking at Asian girls here that we tend to view women through that perspective. Russian women in particular can often look quite Asian, especially if they are from the border region with China (in which case there could be some Chinese blood here). That’s my best guess as to where she’s from. Besides, many Met Art models are from there.

  11. candyman…ah another belly guy:) sorta ruins it a little when the belly button looks so strange.

    newwork…i dont mind outie but i prefer innies 🙂 just looks a little weird…like a clitoris or something:)

    she looks very good..i love thais….:)

  12. Having wasted half a day on the internet ,I think I will have to agree with the good Dr.Lee—all points to Russia.
    Bloody nice tho>

  13. Aurika is an exeptional beauty. Thank you for sharing your collections. Has anyone seen the “Zink” photo shoot at MetModels?

  14. I have just spent[wasted?] lots of time perusing pics of this beauty,and I wonder if any knowlegable member has ever seen Aurika smile?–Hundreds of views ,but every one the same ‘inscrutable’ smirk.
    Gives me the impression that her teeth may not be her favourite bodypart.
    Anyone/perhaps those commentaters who have talked with her?


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