A Chinese model with freckles, what’s that all about? Well turns out this one has a bit of South African blood in her somewhere. Meng Lu has quite a bit of an internet following, helped no doubt by the many pics of her walking around crowed places in skimpy clothing with large hand made signs on cardboard. Bet she’s gutted there’s no wall street protests in China, she’d be right at home plus we all might have paid a bit more attention with her strutting around.
Meng Lu Stats
Age: 19 1992/8/6
Height: 177cm / 5′ 10″
Ethnicity: Half Han Chinese / Half South African
From: Jilin City in Jilin Province
Meng Lu @ Mainland Hotties
Meng Lu @ Moko
Meng Lu Picture Gallery
Meng Lu Profile (Chinese)
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Nice teasing video too. Interestingly, in the 5th pic down, she looks very much like Angie Vu Ha (from the previous post).
WoW!…long and leggy. Love her.
those lips are something!!!
What is she protesting about in picture 3?
Whatever it is, I’m right behind her.
Nice enough.I like the height…but she could use a hamburger.The other thing I’m noticing about these tall Chinese women AS is showing of late…is that they have’nt yet discovered the gym.That’s why the previous post (Angie Vu Ha) caught my eye.The rest look like this one: waifish…borderline fragile…lacking in muscle tone.
CORRECTION: I meant to say: That’s why YAWEN (from a coupla’ posts previous)…caught my eye. (typing too fast)
Where’s an “edit” function when you need it? 🙂
Exactly. This girl is pretty enough, but the spindly legs need some of what Yawen has.
What are you protesting against, Meng Lu?
Whaddya got?
cant get past the bo legs…girl needs a burger or 6
I don’t think she has ‘bo’ legs, but they could use a little more shape and definition (indeed, she could use a little more shape up top too). Still, at least they’re long and lean, and she seems pretty enough. She certainly isn’t outstanding amongst Chinese models, but I definitely wouldn’t say no. 🙂
very cute…that is all.