Meng Lau

Meng Lau in Maxim (Photography: Craig de Cristo)

Meng Lau was one of the hottest Asians in Maxim last year (hat tip to Tom). Apparently she is Cambodian. Unfortunately I haven’t found much more pictures of her. Anyone?

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0 thoughts on “Meng Lau”

  1. if i remember that issue well, she’s 100% asian & maxim was her only exposure (hehe) to the wider world. i think she works in some drug rehab clinic & they posted her work pic too. unbelievable, what a good make-up & good photographer can do to a pretty, but somewhat homely girl.

  2. stuff & maxim are owned by same publisher (Dennis Publishing). a pictured here, a picture there… “stuff” is sort of “maxim” lite. if that’s possible.

  3. Google her; she’s also a clothing designer, and there’s a photographer named Peter something (I’m on dialup right now and I can’t spare the time to look) who has a lot of pix of herβ€”none as good as the Maxim and Stuff pix, though. You can also find at least one pic of her on

  4. After seeing this pic and the ones from Stuff how in D Hell can you say she’s homely????? Wow! I thought I was picky Nik2 but I got nothing on you brother! Thanks for the Suff tip Gossamer and the Google thing Curtis!

  5. Regarding Nik2’s ‘homely girl’ comments, I think everybody should re-read his original comment. He’s referring to a pic of her from her work that isn’t available in any of the above galleries. He’s saying how different (i.e. un-homely) she looks in the modelling shots. Got it?

  6. I meant no disrespect to Nik Dr Lee, but most every girl will look different without make-up. But to say without it she is homely, well that’s kinda much. But everyone has there own opinion right? That’s his…

  7. Wow, that’s a really nice pic Gossamer! And regarding Nik2’s ‘homely’ comments, as nobody else has seen the pic in question I don’t think anyone else is qualified to judge (including me). Some girls look more different without makeup than others (or even just different kinds of makeup – see my Brandy Grace comments).

  8. thanks for sticking by me Doc. it wasn’t just lack of make-up that made me utter original remark.

    there was small, pic of her at work: hair pulled back, she wore oversized, shapeless t-shirt & glasses (most of my mags are at work, so i cannot readily verify the last detail). basically she was dressed for comfort, not appearance.

    she worked at drug rehab clinic, so certainly dressing up would’ve been utterly lost on junkies.

  9. I was just watching “The Devil Wears Prada” (OK, my wife was watching and I was in the room) and I spotted Meng Lau in one of the Paris Fashion Week scenes. So apparently she’s still involved with the industry.

    (Your useless bit of trivia for the day.) πŸ™‚

  10. I’ve had this girl in the back of my mind since I saw the Maxim layout a couple of years ago–glad you pulled up this one from the archives Curtis. I recall she was working in a clinic or doctors office in Berkeley CA. A little hottie.

  11. I like those couple of Flickr shots; but there she looks just like some guy’s cute Asian girlfriend (not sayin that’s bad). But when she gets done up she looks like a little, nasty sex toy. Makeup and styling really transform this woman.

  12. Oh she is the most beautiful girl i’ve eves seen !
    from where i can find some of her videos or something like it ?
    may be a torrent site ? if anyone knows something plz tell me . 10x in advance!

  13. Nice photo Travis it’s like one of those carefully posed topless shots where you see nothing except in this you get the complete side boob! Genius:))

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