Since Tiara Lestar became world famous, there have been a lot of users asking for more Indonesian models. Popular-maj.com offers some gorgeous Indonesian models. Only one photo per model, but still… Click More for model ID’s. (Thanks for the site tip Hotbytes!)The four beauties:
Name: Fifie Buntarian
Date and place of birth: Pontianak, 4 October 1979
Height: 170 cm
Weight: 50 kg
Measurements: 26-34-39
Name: Marlin Taroreh
Date and place of birth: Timor Tumur, 18 April 1987
Height: 165 CM
Weight: 52 KG
Measurements: S/34B/28
Name: Rachel
Date and place of birth: Jakarta, 14 February 1983
Height: 165 cm
Weight: 48 kg
Measurements: S28-36B-27
Name: Maryana
Date and place of birth: Surabaya, 10 May 1980
Height: 162 cm
Weight: 45 kg
Measurements: 28-34-38
On a more personal note; I am the last one who needs to be convinced of the beauty of Indonesian women. Here in Holland there are a quite a few and I was together with a pearl from Java for over 3 years.
Weird that nothing about these models can be found via Google. Fake names?
Furthermore, who knows some good Indonesian model sites? I’ve been searching for it some time but coudn’t find anything better than Popular-maj.com.
Yeah, people, hit us with url’s! 😉
great work robin , marco, popular magazine is sort of the Indonesian version of FHM, (altough there is FHM indonesia http://www.fhm.co.id/) – the magazine has long been around and they have featured some new models and some models who have already become TV/ movie stars, the models on this article are new models , therefore there is nothing much about them on the internet, UNLESS the posed naked (which they likely refuse, since they do not want to have a bad image to be stars on TV shows – since Indonesia is the most populated Moslem countyr in the world) they would not be the “talk of the world wide web”, that’s why Tiara is all over the Internet- since it is the only media where censorship does not exist for Indonesian horny men, that’s why also Tiara chooses to work in Singapore -to be freely working as semi nude model and that’s why also she is perceived in Indonesian TV media of having a bad image due to her posing naked, she is still getting photo shoots gigs , but she cannot compete with the other catwalk models as they have the height and the european look and light skinned which we Indo men and women adore – since there are not too many of them, these models then eventually become TV stars.BTW here is the link for some of Indonesian celebrities : http://www.indonesiaselebriti.com/wallpaper.php
I like the way they spell celebrity (“selebreti”) 😉